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Railroad courtesy of Dave Renard.
Photos by Ed Houk with Dave's assistance.

Sylvania.JPG 103k Sylvania Welcome to the name sake of the SC. It's a big time here with a big election going on, dog catcher. You can see by all the dogs loose on the street to the right that one is badly needed. Dave kitbashed all the background structures.
Budd Car.JPG 85k A Budd car approaches the grade crossing just below the election scene above. The concrete highway structure was scratch built by Dave, what a surprise!!
Budd.JPG 96k The Budd car passes a work crew at the tower on its way to the Sylvania Station, which can be seen on Page 1.
RS 536.JPG 89k RS unit 536 prepares to cross the road while switching cars in SC yard. The structure corner you see on the right is the local pub, which attracts off-duty railroad employees.
K28.JPG 83k K-28 463 prepares to leave Thompson Station with a load of tourists. They will go to Alta Station where they can be picked up by the mainline train or return here. Dave almost converted to a narrow gauge modeler. You know, like a religious experience.
K28.JPG 84k K-28 463 has returned from Alta. The folks in white are the Norweign kitchen staff preparing food for the tourists. Dave bought the figures in Norway. The background is a photo from Pine Grove Furnace State Park in PA.
Alta.JPG 78k Alta Station The SC primer passenger train prepares to stop at the station. The structure is a scratch built model Dave did of the station at N. Conway, NH. A little fuzzy in the background is a new industry, "Penguin Products". They make chin straps and their mascot is a Chinstrap Penguin. Dave photographed the penguin on his trip to Antarctica. You can see a write-up of his trip on the travel page with Dave and Annette's photos.
HS Tower.JPG 83k HS tower E7 number 80 (Proto 2000) slows down to snatch some orders from the tower operator. This is 1965 so that stuff still happens on Dave's road.
Monequine.JPG 89k Monequine Seems to be some car trouble at busy little Monequine Depot. This mechanic, armed with a sludge hammer, is doing some delicate repairs on a woman's pickup. If you haven't figured it out, Monequine is a one-horse town on the switcher's route.
Monequine.JPG 93k Monequine is the home of the Rohm-Hass Company that you see in the background as red brick. That's about all it has going for it right now. Gee, I hope that woman can find a ride home cuz I'm not feelin' good about this mechanic.
Alan,s B and B.JPG 78k Alan's B & B Dave names his structures after friends. This one is not exactly the B & B you would expect. It stands for Brothel and Breakfast. That's kind of an interesting combo. The guy behind the car only has a half hour for lunch, so he must hurry to get in his quickie.
E7.JPG 87k E7 Our passenger train passes behind the Rohm-Hass Company(left). In the background is the "Cook's Custom Cutlets" meat packing plant. This was named for fellow modeler and friend Russ Cook who passed away January 22, 2001. Russ's presence and modeling will be greatly missed by the HARM group and many other people fortunate enough to meet him.
Bayport.JPG 88k Bayport is a bustling port operation. Off camera to the right is a rail barge that the switcher is loading up. In the back left corner of the shot is a scratch built coal dumper.

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Last Update: 02/09/2001