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We will miss you Clayton!!!!!

Clay Pic's

Here is a short compilation of some of our most beloved clay pictures to date.


Clay's Favorite Cow - his prize posession
We always new you were a snake clay1!!!
Clayton Powers Returns Part 4
The day the glasses died

Clays Favorite Websites/Links

Clay Stories

Yousef's Favorite Clay Story

.....Sometime last summer in CASH.......
Clay decides to go on smoke break #7.....As he cirlces Howard's desk and heads toward the Cash exit, his brother Josh Reed ceases an opportunity to throw a projectile (ball) in Clay's direction. So Josh proceeds to pick up a ball, and hurl it toward Clay. The ball not only hits clay in the noggin', but sends his glasses spiraling off his head and onto John Beyer's desk. But being the calm reactionary that he is....Clay simply yells out one of his standard "GGGGGGGod D**N IT !!!" grunts, calmly reaches for the first object in sight (the Executive Support Nextel), and sends it flying in his brother's direction. Fortunately for Upton, the Nextel misses his head by a few inches and skips accross the floor and into the back wall (miraculously, it was still operational). Realizing the potential harm that could have been afflicted by the digital trajectory, Josh shouts out, "You do that again and I'll snap your little neck!!!" A few expletives are exchanged and Clay proceeds to the exit in quest of a much needed cigarette....

Tom Foster's Favorite Clay Story

I have to go with.....
1) When the ball nailed him and knocked the scalding coffee all over him. He screamed and then showed up the next day with a bandage on his hand.
2) When Howie knocked the glasses off his head and threatened to make him buy a new pair.
3) The simple phrase, "God Damn It."
4) When he kicked Josh and Josh said he was going to snap his scrawny neck.
5) Gotta love those goofy moonboots.
6) When he got obliviated at the Crab Feast.
Those are a quick few.

Howard's Favorite Clay Story

My favorite Clay story would have to be the time that I created the Mr. Rogers Home page but put Clay's face on it. I sent it to everyone in the group and when clay came back from his SMOKE BREAK! everyone turned it on and played the Mr. Rogers tune. Clay got pissed off. That really made a smile on my face and made my day. The second best clay story is when me and Josh created the clayisevil yahoo ID and started writing to eveyrone on yahoo messenger. Clay actually threatened a lawsuit agains me :) ha hahahhahah. After some good threatening from Clays part I finally took it down and closed the account... We will miss you Clay. PS once I find you address im going to post it on the net!

Victorias Clay Story

when he popped the medicine ball with his pen, he wanted to pop it but didn't expect it to actually happen!

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