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Herpes for Dummies


An Overview of Herpes

Frequently Asked Questions

Links and Resources

See my pages on HPV

Welcome to all the information I know about herpes. If you have read my HPV website, then you've seen how extensive it is. This one isn't as big yet, simply because I had eight months to research HPV before I put it up, whereas I have just begun researching herpes. (This is primarily because a very close friend just got diagnosed.) As I learn more, I'm going to make an extensive FAQ. For now, please read through the information I've got, and also visit The American Social Health Association's page on herpes.

The most extensive and comprehensive set of pages I've found about herpes on the internet can be found here at Navigate the site by clicking on the "Having Herpes" tab (after watching the little flash animation thingy and entering), and going through the FAQ on both facial and genital herpes. It will teach you a lot!