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I made a mistake this week, and I have a feeling there won't be too many of you who will mind.  The article I assigned this week has been greatly reduced from the form that I had read before.  Apparently, when I was preparing for this class over the summer, I had read the article from the other book I was considering using, and thus thought this week's assignment would be much longer.  Too bad for you, huh?  : )

Well, here is your (back-to-back) short assignment for the week (just don't expect such treatment in the future, okay?).  The article is so far the easiest to read in terms of the main philosophical tools we discussed.  That being said, I have no reading guide to help you analyze the article.  I have just three questions to be answered in three paragraphs, again, try to keep it under a page in length.

Homework Question #1:  Discribed to me, in terms we have discussed so far, the overall structure of the article.  That is, describe the function of each paragraph in terms of evidence, conclusion, the dialectic, and analogy.  You can just list the paragraph numbers and in a word, tell me its function.  

Homework Question #2:  What is the argument of the first, rather long, paragraph?  Explicitly state the conclusion and evidence.

Homework Question #3 (and hardest question):  If the paragraph labeled "II" is supposed to apply to the world in general, and not just to machines, explain how.