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I have only a few basic questions for you.  This week's assignment is much less academic and specific than anything we've done so far.  Please only take one page to answer them.  The answers will be graded based on the quality of the answers and how well your answers match the text for the sections.  Hint for this week: keep the answers for each of your paragraph STRICTLY to the enumerated sections.  In other words, if the question asks about "Section 1", don't bring in information from Section 3.

Section 1. The Tao Itself
Describe the Tao.  One short paragraph.

Section 2-3,5,8,9.  Harmony, Happiness with the Tao.
How should we live our lives?  One long paragraph.

Section 4.  Harmony and Politics
How should we act as a nation that is different from how the US acts?  One short paragraph.

Section 6,7.  Knowledge and Truth
Describe truth, or describe what we can know.  One short paragraph.