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A Letter To My Son

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Jacqueline’s Junque


Dear Son,
I wonder if you know
how deeply you are still loved
and how often you are thought about by me?
That there is not one day that goes by,
where I do not reminice over some small thing
that happened during your childhood.
For me, the memories are so clear,
so bright and colorful, it is as if
it happened only yesterday.

Do you know I can still hear
the voices of your childhood?
I can hear the way you cried in pain,
laughed in joy, whispered in prayer,
sobbed in hurt, and yelled in anger.
They are only echoes in my heart now.

I can recall your every first...
your first step, your first word, your first
disappointment, your first failure,
your first success, your first heartache.
I can still see your first tear,
and your first laugh echoes in my soul.

Do you know when I look into your eyes,
I can see all of your life in one fleeting glance?
My fingers still long to caress your cheek,
smooth your hair, and tickle your back.
My arms still long to hold you tight.
My lips still long to kiss your brow.
I do not see the rough beard,
the sinewy muscle and the changes of time.

You are my greatest source of pride,
my most cherished possession, and
my ultimate dream come true.
No matter where you go,
I will be behind you watching your steps,
as I have always been.
With all of my hopes, all of my
dreams, all of my faith
and all of my trust in you!

You may be gone from my home,
you may be gone from my arms,
but you are never gone from my thoughts.
For all time, your name will be a cry on my lips,
a whisper in my prayers.
For your name is carved into my heart
with the cutting knife of eternal love.
Your Mother

Dedicated to three men,
who changed my life forever...
My sons Kenneth, Kyle and Keith.

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