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Christmas Dreams

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Jacqueline’s Junque


In the midst of all the commotion,
That makes my holiday,
There will be special moments
Thoughts of you will drift my way.

Even though my eyes will sparkle,
Shining with love for all it seems,
There will be something missing
From my secret Christmas Dreams.

While you wrap each special present
And hide it beneath the tree,
Or when you hear a Christmas carol,
I hope your thoughts will drift to me.

For far away after midnight,
At the start of Christmas day
I'll stand beneath my mistletoe
And blow a kiss your way.

With the warmth of glowing candles
Lighting up my window pane
Looking out across a snowy sky
I'll quietly whisper your name.

Then close my eyes a moment,
And send my wish to you...
With all the love thats in my heart
"May your Christmas Dreams come true"

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/christmasdarling.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song hear is "Merry Christmas Darling"
by The Carpenters

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