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Faithful Servant

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Jacqueline’s Junque


Just one person is all I am,
With only a single voice
But I can make a difference
And in this I have a choice.

I may never be a hero
The kind the world speaks of,
But if I can touch one wounded life,
With the help from God above...

If I use what He has given me
While here upon this earth,
To impart some good to someone else,
And show them all they're worth....

If I keep my eyes uplifted,
No matter what horror they see,
Spreading hope, courage, and honor,
Not allowing the world to change me...

If I keep my spirit free of hate,
And in my heart, I hide His word,
And use the love instilled in me,
Perhaps I will be heard....

And can finish with a faithful heart
The work that He's begun...
I'll hear the words I've waited for
"My faithful servant, well done."

In honor of all the rescue teams,
who were good and faithful servants
following the tragedies of Sept.11th,2001.

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Written By 2001 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/thechange.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "The Change" by Garth Brooks

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