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For Every Soldier

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Jacqueline’s Junque


We are all a little a guilty,
Of forgetting those who serve;
Often we don't recognize
The credit they deserve.

Yet they are at the ready,
Every second of every day;
To defend this country's freedom,
Against those who would take it away.

They fight for us on distant shores,
And give without a word;
Defending us with honor,
Is there even a thank you heard?

Our children sleep securely,
To dream of bright tomorrows;
Unbound in fear of tyranny,
Or burdened with war's sorrows.

So to every boy who leaves his home,
Returning here a man;
And each woman who made the choice
To make serving part of her plan.

For every fallen soldier,
Who gave all they had to give;
To guarantee our way of life
And the freedom that we live.

Each one who served with honor,
The brave, the tried, the true.
America gives you all our thanks,
For we see a hero in you!

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/soldierty.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Thank You"
by Hank Brake

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