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His Gift

Title of Your Page

Jacqueline’s Junque


Thank You
You, who have given me one
Of lifes most valuable gifts...
The gift of your time.
Countless hours
Of caring and understanding
Sharing yourself with me.
I can never repay you for this.
But I can thank you.
For the magic...
For the warmth...
For the joy...
That only you
Could have given.
That in this vast universe,
You found me
And blessed me.
I would not be who I am
Or where I am
If it were not for you.
In return
I offer you a gift.
The gift of my thoughts,
Full of love and caring;
For they will be with you
Until the very end
Of all time.

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is prohibited by federal law.
Written By 2001 to 2005
All Rights Reserved

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/Projecttime.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Time" by Alan Parson's Project

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