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My Friend

Jacqueline’s Junque


My love for you goes deep.
There is nothing I can give you
Which you do not already possess.
But there is much for you to take.

Take heart, my friend!
For heart is what you will need
On this long journey.
A strong one, true and full of courage.

Take care, my friend!
Care in the things you say & do.
Someone may be listening
For just the words you are speaking.

Take peace, my friend!
Consoling peace, that only comes
From being honest with yourself,
And with your God.

Take time, my friend!
Time to know who you are,
And time to know those around you.
Many you meet will be more
Than a simple traveler on this road.

Take courage, my friend!
Courage to claim all this life offers.
Life gives so generously,
But we judge it's gifts
Simply by the outside,
Casting things aside as worthless and ugly.
Look beneath the exterior,
And you may find a living splendor,
Woven of pure, fine love.

And if you ever feel alone, my friend,
Remember my love for you.
And take it with you!

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Written By 2001 to 2005
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