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My Place

Jacqueline’s Junque


I long with all my heart to find
That place where I belong,
Somewhere, some space in time
Where I can hear my song.

Not thinking that I will spend
Whats left of precious years
Drifting without purpose
Consumed with endless fears.

My journey's far from over
There's so much I still can do
To dry a tear, to share a smile
With a heart thats deep and true.

My search continues far and wide
I've traveled many miles,
Looking into faces void
Of dreams, and hopes and smiles.

I see the pages in my life
That have yet to unfold,
So much of my own story,
Is waiting to be told.

Until I read the final chapter
I've so much more to share
My touch, my laugh, my tenderness
How deeply I do care.

So I guess I'll just keep searching
Not knowing what I'll find
Until the final page is read
And I've run out of time.

For maybe no such place exists
Perhaps its not even there
Along this path I travel on
Instead... its everywhere.

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Written By 2001 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/myplace.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Place in this World" by Michael W. Smith

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