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Thank You!

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Jacqueline’s Junque


From deep within my heart
There is so much I want to say
So much that I am thankful for
Each and everyday.

How did you know I needed to laugh
And my face longed for a smile?
How did you know I had a bad day
From across so many miles?

Giving me understanding
Cherished moments of your day,
Have I ever once said Thank You
For remembering me along the way?

For bringing me some sunshine
On a dark and dreary day
For joy, and warmth and laughter;
Well, just what can I say?

Your support and your encouragment
When I try something new;
For reaching out in friendship
Tell me how can I thank you?

For giving me back my wings
Constantly urging me to fly
And telling me that I could
When I didnt want to try.

Just know that I am listening
And you each have a part
Of a special tender loving place
Down deep within my heart.

And I thank God for all of you.
When I get on my knees
There are no words to say except...
Thank you for loving me!

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Written By 2001 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/thankyou.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Thank You, for Loving Me"
by Jon Bon Jovi

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