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The Hero

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Jacqueline’s Junque


With a tender guiding hand
You encouraged and inspired.
You helped me find my dreams again,
And seek my heart's desire.

What once was locked inside of me,
You coaxed into the open.
With gently loving kindness,
My silence at last was broken.

Now like a river flooding it's banks
Pouring out for all to see,
The words once trapped inside my soul
At last, have been set free.

I dance with total abandon,
To the music I finally hear play;
No longer hidden in shadows,
My joy now placed on display.

For all this there is no way
That I can find to truly express,
Just how much you have given
That has brought such happiness.

Giving me back my lost wings,
Assuring me that I could fly.
Whispering softly into my ear
"I know that you can... just try."

For all that I can imagine,
All I would hope to achieve,
Will anyone ever understand
That I needed you to believe?

While I soar ever forward,
Reaching out to meet my destiny
I look back over my shoulder....
At the hero that stood behind me.

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Written By 2001 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/windwings.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Wind Beneath My Wings"
by Bette Midler

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