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To Live Here

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Jacqueline’s Junque


"...I therefore believe it is my duty
to my country to love it,
to support its Constitution,
to obey its laws, to respect its flag,
and to defend it against all enemies."
(William Tyler Page, The American's Creed)

"The meaning of America
is not to be found in a life without toil.
Freedom is not only bought with a great price;
it is maintained by unremitting effort."
(Calvin Coolidge)

To live here... in America
Is to live a life of choice
To trust that we can all be heard,
If we just lift our voice.
The endless opportunities
To live life at it's best
With pride, and hope and liberty
A land that God has blessed.

To live here... in America
To defend, support and protect,
This nation of our father's
We must not forget or neglect
To support our constitution,
Obey the laws of our land;
Work together defending her honor
Shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand.

To live here.... in America
The greatest nation on earth
We must guard our precious liberties,
Understanding all their worth.
Bought with the blood of other's
The highest prices were paid,
Freedom's dreams were kept alive,
Never cowering, defeated or afraid.

To live here... in America
We must strive for our world to see,
A nation of pride and honor
With truth and freedom our legacy.
Let every man, every woman
Hold their head up high and say
"I am ever proud to be an American,
For God still blesses the USA."


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