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My Path

Jacqueline’s Junque



As I take my journey
On this path and go my way,
I try hard to remember
To take the time to pray.

Not just for needed guidance,
Or wisdom of my own,
But for lessons I can share
With others I have known.

For what would be the purpose
Of experience sorely earned,
If I had no one to share it with
Who had my deep concern.

Each step that I have taken
On this path I travel on,
Has provided me with knowledge
And helped me become strong.

As my wisdom and my fortitude
Increases day by day,
I sometimes look back and realize
What I passed along the way.

My Father reaches out His hand,
And whispers in my ear...
"Remember seeing that ahead,
And you cringed in total fear?"

"But my child, you are past it,
You weathered out that storm,
Did I not say that I would help
To keep you safe and warm?"

"Now use this path behind you
And reach out with tenderness
To help another person
Find their own happiness."

"For the gifts that I have given,
Were not meant for only you.
Love unshared is worthless,
So you know what you must do..."

I see you walking back there,
Your path often crosses mine,
Take my hand, and let me care...
Together we will be fine.

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Written By 2001 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/notalone1_1_[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "You Are Not Alone" by Michael Jackson

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