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Falling Tears

Jacqueline’s Junque



So bold, so strong, so confident
this picture I portray.
If anyone looked deep inside,
they would have such dismay.

For deep inside this heart of mine
there lies a single fear,
that you will walk away and leave me
alone with falling tears.

Lips that once were warmed by yours,
and burned with our lovers kiss,
left longing now full of desire,
what could hurt more than this?

The aching deep within my heart,
without you at my side,
I'll cover it with an empty smile,
and the falseness of my pride.

No no one else ever will know
You've even said goodbye.
Nor will anyone ever see
One single tear I'll cry.

When anyone asks me how I am,
you know I'll say I'm fine.
I'll pretend it never mattered
That you aren't on my mind.

But you my love.... yes, you alone
will know throughout the years,
how it was you who brought about
My endless falling tears.

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Written By © 2001 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/sotearswontfall.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
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Song heard here is "So Tears Wont' Fall"
by Kevin Sharp

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