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Her Words

Jacqueline’s Junque



All the words
had spilled out of her soul,
like a crystal fountain
that overflowed
and rushed to meet
a never ending sea of love.
She wondered
if he had ever set his eyes
upon the truths
that were contained within
the tender lines
that left her exposed
and naked.
And though
they were shared each day
by a world of strangers,
still somehow
it was common knowledge,
she had peeled back the layers
of herself
and revealed her heart,
and her words
were a precious gift
unto him.

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Written By © 2002 to 2005
All Rights Reserved

<BGSOUND SRC="images/hasanyone[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
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Song heard here is "Has Anyone Ever
Written Anything for You"
by Stevie Nicks

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