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One Solitary Tear

Jacqueline’s Junque



If you should ever leave
I will be telling myself
it is because you had to...
not because you wanted to.
It is the only thing
I will be able to live with.
Yes, I will hurt
but I will go on as before.
There is so much
I will have to let go of,
and learn all over again,
and it will be
the hardest thing
I have ever had to do.
I will try to hold on
to all the beautiful
cherished memories
you and I have made together.
Deep inside I will be screaming
in an almost unbearable agony,
but on the outside,
for the world to see
one solitary tear will escape
and I will cry it
just for you...

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Written By © 2002 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/onesolitarytear[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
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