What Others are Saying about the book "Laptop Bride!"
Read our Interview with
Manolo says, the Manolo he recently saw this book in the bookstore
and so leafed through it. If like the Manolo you are the internet
person, comfortable with using the net to do the shopping, and unlike
the Manolo you are the bride to be, then this book it may be helpful to
your in your preperations for the big day. It had much good information about using
the internets effectively to plan the wedding. Sadly, the Manolo he
must report that there is no mention of the Manolo or his humble Manolo
for the Brides blog. Getting married? Know a friend who is getting married? Is she turning into a "Bridezilla" and driving you nuts? Get her focused and on track with this amazing book by Cathy Lynn. The chick has already been married and this fabulous book is sitting right here on my desk. I reviewed it, I didn't touch it and the first bride-to-be or friend of a bridezilla that emails me at fabfinds@thriftychick.com will win it. Sunday, Apr 02, 2006 Weddings, Virtually By Noelle Nicole ByeOhio.comAn average wedding's cost tops $20,000, and more than a few Web sites are ready and willing to help you find the best bargains and make planning your wedding as easy as "point-and-click." According to a study launched by the NPD Group, Inc., 48 percent of all engaged couples use the Web to help plan their wedding (34 percent of which are females). "The report confirms the Internet's increasing role in helping engaged couples plan their wedding," says NPD New Media Vice President Carol Neithercut. "With today's busy lifestyles, the Web has become a convenient way to get the information they need to make their weddings a success."
Pretty much the only thing you can't do on the Internet is actually tie the knot. Noelle Bye can be reached at 330-572-2825 or at nbye@knightridder.com .