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A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. -Basil-

Our Young'uns: Ana, Tommy and little Eddie

Roger and Sassy

Big Pappa Red and little Eddie and Mamma Deb

Welcome to our place on the web. We are an all American family. Originally from NY and CT, we now reside on the Panhandle of Florida, not too far from the border of Alabama. We enjoy many interests and activities, individually, and as a family. We love to explore new things and just have fun together. Although our children are now all in public school, we have homeschooled in the past. We are active in scouting and church activities and stay involved with our children's education. Some of our hobbies include cooking, music, nature watching, gardening, computer games, surfing the net, amateur radio and genealogy. As we build our site, we will share with you some of our interests, favorite things to do and introduce you to the people and furry, feathered and scaley friends that are so much a part of our world. This website is an experiment in learning. Be forewarned! Anything new we learn will probably end up on a page somewhere on the site, so some of the pages may be slow to load and may need to be refreshed. Thank you for your patience ;-)

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God Bless The USA

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