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John Franklin Reed
My great grandfather was John Franklin Reed. He was known to his friends and family as "Frank", foregoing his given name John.
This is a copy of my great grandparents, John F. Reed and Ethel V. Kendall marriage Certificate. From this record we know they were married on the 22nd of February 1913 in Newark, New Jersey. Their addresses show that they lived in the same neighborhood, only a few houses apart on Elm Street John at no. 59 and Ethel at no. 83. Maybe they were even childhood or highschool sweethearts.They were both 18 at the time of their first marriage. John worked as as a Factory hand and Ethel probably stayed at home like many women did at that time and took care of the home. John's mother was listed as A. Margaret, (Annie Mackridge?) and his father as Thomas I. Ethel's parents were listed as Alferd Kendall and Mary Supthren?. One of the witnesses was Adline Kendall, Ethel's sister. We should be able to find other records in Newark and Essex Co. New Jersey, since everyone listed those areas as their places of birth.
John and Ethel had their first child only five months later on July 26th, 1913. They named her Ethel Viola Reed. The birth took place at 83 Elm Street in Newark, N.J., which was Ethel Kendall's residence before she and John married. On the birth record John's occupation was now listed as a Stationary Fireman.
The next record we found was the family on the 1920 census report. John Franklin Reed now listed his first name as Frank, which was short for his middle name Franklyn. The names and ages of the family members all coincide with the other records we've found although the dates of birth were not listed. John H. Mundt III, first cousin to my grandfather Thomas, remembers calling my great grandfather Uncle Frank. At the time of this census, the family rented the residence they lived in on 292 Sheppard Ave in Essex County, East Orange, N.J.
Frank Reed: m; head; age 25; b. New Jersey; Dock & Bridge Builder
Ethel: f; age 25 years; b. New Jersey; housewife
Ethel V: f; age 6; b. New Jersey
Thomas I; m; age 4 1/2 b. New Jersey
 On the next page we will examine the death records of Little Ethel and another sister Ida.