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Our Reed Ancestors
According to oral family tradition, the Reed side of our family purportedly will lead us back
to Pockahontis and Captain John Rolfe. Stories that I've been told relate that our Reeds are descended from both Iroquois and Navajo peoples, as well as Dutch, French, English, Scottish
and German. It should prove interesting if any of the family stories can actually be thoroughly traced to these roots or whether they are only family myths. So far we have only nicked the very surface of our journey back.
Our Reed journey started with my maternal Grandfather, Thomas Inard Reed, since I knew a few
things about him. Since I am the oldest grandchild, he had been a firm fixture in my life.
In my eyes, he was a admireable, loving, honest, hardworking man and there will always be
a special place for him in my heart. I yearned to know more about my "Grandpa,"
where his family came from and keep his memory alive by recording his family history.
These were my first attempts at genealogy. When I exhausted the records that my mom and
other family members had saved over the years, I knew I had to start researching in other states. Since traveling to NJ myself would have been impossible for me at the time, I want to thank
Kevin Olvaney for generously helping a "first timer" from another state. The lookups he did
for me were invaluable and his notes, tips and guidance really helped me get started. My interest
in genealogy soared and Kevin's simple act of genealogical kindness steeled my resolve to continue on in my genealogy research despite the occasional walls and skeletons in the closet.
With the few records I had to start with I traced my maternal grandfather's line to Thomas I. Reed, my Grandfather's paternal Grandfather. We started with the 1900 census records
from Essex, New Jersey, Township of Newark. Below is a photocopy of the original document.
From this census record we get the following information.
Thomas Reed: m; head; b April 1865 in New Jersey; age 35; Stationary Engineer
Annie: f; wife;b. June 1866 in New Jersey; age 33; housewife
Louis: m; son; b. July 1887 in New Jersey; age 12; student
Adolphas: m; son; b. February 1889 in New Jersey; age 10; student
John: m; son; b. June 1895 in New Jersey; age 4
Ida: f; daughter; b. July 1898 in New Jersey; age 1
Thomas Reed was my great great grandfather. He was listed as a 35 year old white male on this census. According to the schedule 1 part of the census record, the ennumeration was made on June 8th 1900. The family rented a house at 63 Madison Street/Ave. in Newark in Essex County. Thomas was a Stationary Engineer, out of work 3 months. He could read, write and speak English, so he must have had some kind of education. Thomas was married to Annie for 17 years, so we need to look for a record of their marriage sometime around 1883. The census did not list Annie's maiden name. She was the mother of their 8 children, but only 4 were living at the time the census was taken.
My grandfather never mentioned any Aunts and Uncles. With this information we have 7 more persons to link to and possibly find additional information. Now we have to search for a paper trail on each family member. Other census' and records of birth, death, marriage, land transactions, etc.
On the next 2 pages we will explore a few of the records that we uncovered for my great grandfather John Franklin Reed.