Twelfth Night - Cakes

The engraving, which shows some cooking implements, is from Chamber's The Book of Days, 1869: "The sketch above is copied from an old French print, executed by J. Mariatte, representing Le Roi de la Fève (the King of the Bean) at the moment of his election, and preparing to drink to the company."

Twelfth Night Cakes

The Cook's Oracle. William Kitchiner. 1823
Domestic economy, and cookery, for rich and poor, by a lady. 1827
The domestic dictionary and housekeeper's manual. Gibbons Merle. London: 1842
The complete biscuit and gingerbread baker's assistant. George Read. 1854
Gateau du Roi. The Picayune Creole Cookbook, 1901
Twelfth Night Cake. England. Keen, Adelaide. With a saucepan over the sea. 1902 p170

Recipe for Cake for Twelfth Night at Mount Vernon
Pepys' Diary January 6, 1659/60 Brave Cake
New Orleans King Cake history
La galette des rois. France
La galette des rois. France/Quebec
Rosca de Reyes. Mexico
Driekoningenbrood. Dutch Heritage

Twelfth Cake - Ivan Day
Historic Camden County Twelfth Night Revel. cakes
Historic Camden County Twelfth Night Revel

Twelfth Night engravings

David Teniers the Younger. Twelfth Night (The King Drinks). c. 1634-1640. Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain
David Teniers the Younger. Peasants Celebrating Twelfth Night.
Wren house used during Twelfth Night celebrations in Wales
Every-Day Book by William Hone.
Chamber's The Book of Days. 1869. Mariatte's Le Roi de la Feve & Birch, the confectioner, No. 15
Peasants welcoming the Befana, 1830.
Twelfth Night history with engravings from: Hone, The Every Day Book, 1825
Twelfth Night at the Hanwell Lunatic Asylum. Illustrated London News. 1848
Twelfth Night. 1794 broadside. Colonial Williamsburg

Previous Holiday Fare - Recipes
Hermann-Grima House. New Orleans

©2006 Patricia Bixler Reber
