Cookbooks by Author: A-F

Abel, Mary W. Hinman. Practical Sanitary and Economic Cooking. New York: 1890
Abell, Mrs. L. G. Skilful housewife's manual...compiled from the best authors. Montreal: 1848
Accum, Friedrich. A Treatise on Adulterations of Food, and Culinary Poisons. 1820.
Accum, Friedrich. A Treatise on the Art of Making Good and Wholesome Bread… London: 1821
Accum, Friedrich. A treatise on the art of making wine from native fruits. London: 1820
Accum, Friedrich. Culinary Chemistry. London: 1821
Acton, Eliza. The English bread-book for domestic use. London: 1857
Acton, Eliza. Modern Cookery, in all its branches. London: 1845 2d
Acton, Eliza. Modern Cookery. Revised by Sarah Hale. Phila.: 1845
Acton, Eliza. Modern Cookery. revised by Sarah Hale. Phila: 1858
Acton, Eliza. Modern Cookery. London: 1864 Revised and much enlarged
Addison, Kate. Economical cookery for the middle classes. London: 1879
Alcott, William The Young house-keeper. Boston: 1838 3d
Alcott, William Andrus. The Young House-Keeper, Boston: 1846
Alcott, William Andrus. The young mother. Boston:1851.
Allen, Ann. The Housekeeper's Assistant, Boston: 1845
Allen, Ann. The Orphan's Friend and Housekeeper's Assistant. London: 1845
Allen, Ida. Mrs. Allen on Cooking, Menus, Service. NY: 1924
Allinson, Thomas R. Dr. Allinson's Cookery Book...Vegetarian Recipes, 1915
Andrews, Julia. Breakfast, dinner, and tea: viewed classically, poetically, and practically. NY: 1860
Antisell, Thomas. Hand-book of the Useful Arts. NY 1852
Apicius. Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome. c400
Armstrong, Helen. Home Helps, A Pure Food Cook Book, 1910
Ashburn, Addison. The Family Director. Coventry: 1807
Audiger, Louis Lacour. Memoires d'Audiger, limonadier a Paris, XVIIe siecle. [1692] Paris: 1869
Audot, Louis. French Domestic Cookery - La cuisiniere de la campagne... London, 1846
Aunt Babette's Cook Book: Foreign and Domestic Receipts for the Household. Cin: c1889

Bache, Elizabeth Du Bois. When mother lets us make candy. NY: 1915
Barker, Lady. First lessons in the principles of cooking . London: 1874 [Mary Anne Broome]
Barnum, H.L. Family Receipts: or Practical guide for the husbandman and housewife. Cincinnati: 1831
Barnum, H. L. The Farmer's own book; or, Family receipts for the husbandman ... Boston: 1832
Barringer, Maria. Dixie cookery; or, How I managed my table for twelve years (NC) Boston: 1867
Barringer, Maria. Dixie Cookery. Boston: 1876 6th ed
Beasley, Henry. The druggist's general receipt book 1878
Beauvilliers, Antoine. The Art of French Cookery. London: 1827 3d
Beauvilliers, Antoine. A Complete System of French Domestic Cookery. London: 1837 4th ed
Beecher, Catharine Esther. The American Woman's Home. New York: 1869
Beecher, Catharine Esther. Miss Beecher's Domestic Receipt Book. New York: 1850
Beecher, Catharine Ester. Miss Beecher's housekeeper and healthkeeper. New York: 1873
Beecher, Henry Ward. Motherly talks with young housekeepers. New York: 1873
Beecher, H. W., Mrs. All around the house, or, How to make homes happy. Toronto: 1881.
Beeton, Isabella. The Book of Household Management... 1861
Beeton, Isabella. The Book of Household Management. London: 1863
Beeton, Isabella. The Book of Household Management. rev and enlarged. London: 1888
Beeton, Isabella. Mrs. Beeton's Dictionary of every-day cookery. London: 1865
Beeton, Isabella. The Englishwoman's cookery book. 1872
Beeton, Isabella. How to dine, dinners & dining…bills of fare London: 1866
Beeton, Isabella. Meats, how to select, how to cook, and how to carve. 1870
Beeton, Samuel. Beeton's Dictionary of practical recipes and every-day information. 1871
Bellows, Albert J. How not to be sick. New York: Hurd & Houghton, 1869
Benedict, Jennie C., A Choice collection of tested receipts, with a chapter on... food for the sick. Louisville: 1897
Benedict, Jennie C., The Blue Ribbon Cook Book. Louisville: 1904
Benton, Caroline French. Gala-day Luncheons: A Little Book of Suggestions. Boston: 1901
Benton, Caroline French. A Little Cook-book for a little girl. Boston: 1905
Bernardi, T. Le glacier royal, ou, L'art de donner des bals et soirees. Paris: 1844
Bernhard, William. The Book of One Hundred Beverages: For Family Use. NY: 1859
Bertrand, Jean-Elie. Descriptions des arts et métiers… Paris: 1771
Bickerdyke, John. The Curiosities of Ale & Beer: an Entertaining History. 1886
Bishop, Frederick. The Illustrated London Cookery Book. London: 1852
Black, John. Eating to live. Phila: 1906/7
Black, William. A practical treatise on brewing... 40 years experience. London: 1835
Blandy, John. The bakers' guide and practical assistant to the art of bread making. 4th London: 1899
Bliss. Practical Cook Book. Phila: 1850
Blot, Pierre. Hand-book Of Practical Cookery, New York: c1867
Blot, Pierre. What to eat, and how to cook it: containing over one thousand receipts NY: 1863
Blunt, Katharine, Food Guide for War Service at Home, 1918
Blunt, G.W. Merchant and Seaman's Expeditious Measurer. New York: 1835
Boland, Mary A., A handbook of invalid cooking. New York :1893
Boland, Mary A., A handbook of invalid cooking. New York: 1906
Bomberger, Maude. Colonial Recipes, from Old Virginia and Maryland Manors. NY: 1907
Bonnefons, Nicolas de. Les Delices de la Campagne. 1655 [1654]
Bonnefons, Nicolas de. Les Delices de la Campagne. 1662 [1654]
Bonnefons, Nicolas de. Le Jardinier françois. Amsteldam: 1661 [1651]
Bonnefons, Nicolas de. The French Gardiner.. London: 1658 Translated by John Evelyn
Bonnefons, Nicolas de. The French Gardiner… directions to dry and conserve them… London: 1691
Borella. The court and country confectioner. London: 1770
Bosse, Sara. Watanna, Onoto. Chinese-Japanese Cook Book, Chicago: c1914
Bostwick, Lucy Standard (Watson), Margery Daw in the kitchen... Auburn, N.Y. :1887
Bradley, J.S. Mrs. Bradley's housekeeper's guide. Cincinnati: 1860
Bradley, Richard. The Country Housewife and Lady's Director 6th ed
Bradley, Richard. The Country Housewife and Lady's Director 1732
Brande, W. The town and country brewery book. London: 1830
Brannt, William. The Techno-chemical Receipt Book: Containing Several Thousand Receipts. Phila: 1887
Branston, Thomas. The druggist's hand-book of practical receipts. Liverpool: 1853
Bregion, Joseph. The Practical Cook, English and Foreign. London: 1845
Briand, M. Dictionnaire des alimens, vins et liqueurs... Paris: 1750 v3
Briggs, Richard. The English Art of Cookery. London: 1788
Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme. The Physiology of Taste. Physiologie du goût. Paris: 1825
Brinton, William, On food and its digestion: being an introduction to dietetics. London : 1861.
Brisse, Leon. Le calendrier gastronomique pour l'annee 1867 ...baron Brisse... Paris: 1867
Bryan, Lettice. The Kentucky Housewife. Cincinnati: 1839
Buchan, W. Domestic Medicine. London. 1785
Buckland, Anne. Our Viands: ... with a Bundle of Old Recipes. London: 1893
Buck, William. The 'little housewife', or, Domestic economy for schools. 1879
Buckmaster, John. Buckmaster's cookery. London: 1874
Buckton, Catherine. Food and home cookery. 3d London: 1879
Bullock, Thomas. The Ideal Bartender. St. Louis: c1917.
Buist, Robert. The family kitchen gardener. New York: 1861
Burr, Mrs. Clarence. What Shall We Have to Eat? A Bill of Fare for Every Day. Framingham, MA: 1893
Burr, Mrs. Hattie A. The Woman Suffrage Cook Book. Boston: c1886
Burt, Emily Rose. Entertaining Made Easy. 1919
Bury, Charlotte. The Lady's Own Cookery Book. London: 1844 3d
Bush, Rebecca. What and How. Wilmington, Del.: 1920

Caldwell, Maggie. Maggie Caldwell's cookbook, a Quaker lady 1800-1860
Campbell, Helen, The easiest way in housekeeping and cooking. Boston:1903.
Campbell, Tunis. Hotel Keepers, Head Waiters, and Housekeepers' Guide. Boston: 1848.
Cameron, Ida. Miss Cameron's Cookery Book. London: 1898
Careful, Martha. Household hints to young housewives. London: 1852 2d
Carnell, Philip. A treatise on family wine making. London: 1814
Careme, Marie Antonin. French Cookery: comprising L’Art de la Cuisine Francaise; Le Patissier Royal; Le Cuisinier Parisien…M. Careme… translated by William Hall. London: 1836
Careme, Marie Antonin. Le cuisinier parisien 1828 2d ed
Careme, Marie Antonin. Le cuisinier parisien 1842
Careme, Marie Antonin. Le maitre d'hotel français: ... ouvrage contenant un traité des ..., Volume 1 1822
Careme, Marie Antonin. Le maitre d'hotel français: ... ouvrage contenant un traité des ..., Volume 2 1822
Careme, Marie Antonin. Le maître d’hotel francais 1842
Careme, Marie Antonin. Le Patissier royal parisien 1815
Careme, Marie Antonin. The Royal Parisian pastrycook and confectioner. London: 1834
Carter, Charles. The Compleat City and Country Cook. London: 1732
Carter, Charles. The London and country cook. London: 1749
Carter, Susannah. The Frugal Housewife: Or, Complete Woman Cook. New York: 1803
Carter, Susannah. The Frugal Housewife. Addi plates. London: 1822
Carver, George Washington, by Merritt, Raleigh H. From Captivity to Fame. Boston: 1929
Catherine, Mademoiselle. Manuel complet de la cuisiniere bourgeoise. Paris: 1851 23 ed
Chambers, Mary. Breakfasts, luncheons and dinners. Boston: 1920
Chambers, Mary. Principles of food preparation: a manual for students. Boston: Boston Cooking-school, 1921
Chapman, Thomas. Cyder-Maker's Instructor, Sweet-Maker's Assistant, and Victualler's... 1767
Chase, Alvin. Dr. Chase’s Family Physician, Farrier, Bee-keeper, and Second Receipt Book. Ann Arbor: 1873
Chase, Alvin. Dr. Chase's family physician, farrier, bee-keeper, and second receipt book 1874
Chase, A.W. Dr. Chase's Recipes. Ann Arbor: 1860
Chase, A.W. Dr. Chase's Recipes. 1864
Chesterman, Edwin. "You ask!--I'll tell!": A condensed encyclopedia. Phila: 1873
Chevallier, Jim. About the Baguette
Child, Georgie. The efficient Kitchen...planning, arranging and equipping. NY: 1914
Child, Lydia Maria Francis. The American Frugal Housewife. 1832
Child, Lydia Maria Francis. The Family Nurse, or, Companion of the frugal housewife. 1837
Child, Lydia Maria Francis. The Frugal Housewife. Boston: 1830
Chiquart, Maistre. Du fait de cuisine. 1420 translated
Clarke, Edith. High-class cookery recipes. London: 1885
Cleland, Elizabeth. Recipes from, A New and Easy Method of Cookery, 1759
Clermont, B. The Professed Cook...French...English London: 1812 10th ed. Menon
Clutterbuck, Lady Maria (Catherine Dickens, Mrs. Charles). What shall we have for dinner? Bills of Fare London: 1852
Cobbett, William. Cottage Economy. 1822
Cobbett, William. Cottage Economy. 1828 New ed
Cobbett, William. Cottage Economy. New York: 1833
Collins, Anna Maria. The Great Western Cook Book. New York: 1857
Collingwood, Francis. The Universal Cook. London: 1792
Collingwood, Francis. The Universal Cook: And City and Country Housekeeper. London: 1806
Colmenero de Ledesma, Antonio. Chocolata Inda. .. Nuremberg: 1644
Conley, Emma. Principles of cooking: a textbook. NY: c1914
Cook, Richard. Oxford Night Caps, Being a Collection of Receipts for Making Various Beverages . Oxford: 1871
Cooke, John. Cookery and Confectionary. London: 1824
Cooley, Arnold. A Cyclopædia of Several Thousand Practical Reciepts. NY: 1846
Cooley, Arnold. A Cyclopaedia of Six Thousand Practical Receipts. NY: 1854
Cooley, Arnold. Cooley's Cyclopædia of Practical Receipts...Manufactures. London: 1892 7th
Copley, Esther Hewlett. Cottage Comforts. London: 1830 7th
Copley, Esther Hewlett. Cottage Comforts. London: 1834 12th
Copley, Esther Hewlett. The Housekeeper's Guide. London: 1838
Cornelius, Mary. The Young Housekeeper’s Friend. Boston: 1868
Cornelius, Mrs. The young housekeeper's friend revised and enlarged. Boston: 1871 (1868)
Corson, Juliet. Cooking school text book. New York: 1879
Corson, Juliet, Every-day cookery, table talk, and hints for the laundry Chicago :1884
Corson, Juliet. Miss Corson's Practical American Cookery. New York: 1886
Cowan, John. What to eat, and how to cook it… fruits and vegetables. 1870
Crawford, Frances. French cookery adapted for English families. London: 1853
Crawford, Frances. French confectionary adapted for English families. London: 1853
Cremer, John. The housekeeper's guide to the fish-market for each month of the year. London: 1843
Croly, Jane Cunningham. Jennie June's American Cookery Book... New York: 1870
Crowen, Mrs. T. J. The American System of Cookery. NY: 1864
Crowen, T. J. Every lady's book. NY: 1845
Crowen, T. J. Every Lady's Cook Book. new & improved. NY: 1856
Cruess, W Home and farm food preservation. NY: 1918
Culpeper, Nicholas. The English Physitian enlarged London. 1666
Curtis, Isabel Gordon. The Good Housekeeping Woman's Home Cook Book., Chicago: 1909
Cushing, Frank Hamilton. Zuni Breadstuff. New York: 1920.

C.E.D. La petite cuisinière; or, A selection of directions for the young housekeeper. London: 1850
Dalgairns, Mrs. [Catherine]. The Practice of Cookery. 3d ed Edinburgh: 1830
Dalgairns, Mrs. [Catherine]. The Practice of Cookery. London: 1840
Dallas, Eneas. Kettner's book of the table. London: 1877
Daniel, Florence. Food Remedies. London: 1908
Daniel, Florence. The Healthy Life Cook Book by Florence Daniel, 1915
d'Aussy, Legrand. Histoire de la vie privée des Français… 3v.(bread) Paris: 1782
Davidis, Henriette. Henriette Davidis' Practical Cook Book, from German Ed. Milwaukee: 1897
Davies John. Innkeeper and Butler’s Guide. Leeds: 1810
Davies, Mary. The Menu Cookery Book...moderate incomes. London: 1885
Dawson, Thomas. The Good Huswifes Jewell, 1596
Dawson, Thomas. The Second part of the good Hus-wiues Jewell. London: 1597
Defoe, Daniel. Family Instructor. New York: 1840
de Salis, Mrs. Harriet. Dressed game and poultry. London: 1888
de Salis, Mrs. Harriet. The Housewife's Referee. London: 1898
de Salis, Mrs. Harriet. National viands à la mode. London: 1895
de Salis, Mrs. Harriet. Puddings and Pastry a la mode. London: 1889
de Salis, Mrs. Harriet. Savouries à la mode. London: 1887
de Salis, Mrs. Harriet. Sweets and supper dishes à la mode. London: 1908
de Salis, Mrs. Harriet. Tempting dishes for small incomes. London: 1903
De Voe, Thomas Farrington. The Market Assistant., New York: 1867
Dickerman, Charles. How to make the farm pay. Recipes p 685-728. Phila: 1870
Diderot, Denis. Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des Arts et des Métiers 1765. 17 vol of text 11 vols plates 1751-1772 UPenn
Diderot, Denis. Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des Arts et des Métiers. ARTFL Encyclopedie. U of Chicago
Digby, Kenelm. The closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened. 1669
Dods, Margaret. The cook and housewife's manual. Edinburgh: 1826
Dods, Margaret. The Cook's and Housewife's Manual. 8th revised ed. Edinburgh: 1847 (Christian Johnstone)
Dods, Margaret. The cook and housewife's manual. 11th ed. Edinburgh: 1862 (8th 1847)
Dolby, Richard. The Cook's Dictionary and House-keeper's Directory. London: 1830
Dolby, Richard. The Cook’s Dictionary. New ed. revised 1833
Donovan, Michael. Domestic Economy. Vol. 1. London: 1830
Dowd, Mary. Food, its composition and preparation: a textbook. NY: 1918
Dubell, G. H. NY: Soda Fountain Beverages: A Practical Receipt Book. NY: 1905
Dumas, Alexandre. Grand dictionnaire de cuisine. Paris: 1873

Eales, Mary. Mrs. Mary Eales’s Receipts. Confectioner to her late Majesty Queen Anne. London: 1733 (first ed. 1718)
Eales, Mary. The compleat confectioner; or, The art of candying and preserving. London: 1742
Eaton, Mary. The cook and housekeeper's complete and universal dictionary. 1823
Edgeworth, Mary L. Mrs. The southern gardener and receipt book. Philadelphia: 1860.
Edwards, Frederick, On the extravagant use of fuel in cooking operations
Edwords, Clarence E. The Elegant Art of Dining. Bohemian San Francisco Its Restaurants,1914
Edlin, Abraham. A Treatise on the Art of Bread-making. London: 1805
Efendi, Turabi. Turkish cookery book, a collection of receipts. London: 1865
Ellet, Elizabeth Fries. The New Cyclopaedia of Domestic Economy, Norwich, CT: 1872
Ellet, Elizabeth Fries. The Practical Housekeeper. New York: 1857
Elliott, Sarah. Mrs. Elliott's housewife: Containing practical receipts in cookery. NY: 1870
Ellis, Sarah. Mrs. Ellis's Housekeeping Made Easy. NY: 1843
Ellis, William. The Country Housewife's Family Companion. 1750
Ellis, William. The Modern Husbandman. London: 1744 v3
Ellsworth, Milon. The Successful Housekeeper. Detroit: 1884
Ellwanger, George H. The pleasures of the table...ancient days to ... NY: 1902.
Emerson, Edward. Beverages, Past and Present: An Historical Sketch. NY: 1908
Emerson, Lucy. The New-England Cookery, Montpelier: 1808
Emy, M. L'Art de de bien faire les glaces d'office .. Paris : 1768.
Estes, Rufus. Good things to eat. Chicago: 1911.
Eustis, Celestine. Cooking in Old Creole Days., New York: 1904
Evelyn, John. Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets. London: 1699
Evelyn, John. Kalendarium Hortense: Or, The Gard'ner's Almanae. London: 1699

Farley, John. The London Art of Cookery. principal cook at the London Tavern. London. London: 1811
Farmer, Fannie Merritt. The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book. Boston: 1896.
Farmer, Fannie Merritt. The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book, 1918
Farmer, Fannie Merritt. Food and Cookery for the Sick... Boston: 1904
Fessenden, Thomas. The Husbandman and Housewife. Bellows Falls: 1820
Filippini, Alexander. The Table: How to Buy Food, how to Cook It, and how to Serve it. NY: 1889
Fish, flesh, and fowl: a book of recipes for cooking. Ladies of State Street Parish. Portland: 1877
Fisher, Abby. What Mrs. Fisher Knows About Old Southern Cooking, San Francisco: 1881
Fisher, Lydia. The Prudent Housewife. London: ? 179-
Fox, Minerva Carr. The Blue Grass Cook Book, New York: 1904.
Francatelli, Charles Elme. The Cook's Guide, and Housekeepers and Butler's Assistant. London. 1867
Francatelli, Charles Elme. The Modern Cook. London: 1846
Francatelli, Charles Elme. The Modern Cook. London: 1880
Francatelli, Elme Charles. A Plain cookery book for the working classes. London: 1852
Francatelli, Charles Elme. The Royal English and Foreign Confectioner. 1862
Frazer, Maciver [Susanna] Mrs. The practice of cookery. Edinburgh: 1791/1820
Frazer. Mrs. The practice of cookery, pastry, confectionary. Edinburgh: 1820 7th
Frazer, Mrs. Harris. Kentucky Receipt Book. 1903
Frederick, Christine. Meals that cook themselves and cut the costs. New Haven: c1915
French, Edwin. Food for the sick and how to prepare it. Louisville: 1900
Frost, Sarah. The Godey's Lady's book receipts and household hints 1870
Fryer, Jane Eayre. The Mary Frances Cook Book. Philadelphia: 1912
Fuller, William. A manual: containing original recipes for preparing ices. London: 1851

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