Cookbooks by Authors M-Z

MacDonald, Duncon. The New London Family Cook. London: 1808
MacKenzie, Colin. Five Thousand Receipts. Phila: 1825
MacKenzie, Colin. Five Thousand Receipts. …new American from latest London… Phila: 1831
MacKenzie, Colin. Mackenzie's Five Thousand Receipts. Phila: 1854
MacKenzie, Colin. Mackenzie's ten thousand receipts, revised Phila: 1866 (1854)
Mann, Mrs. Horace. Christianity in the Kitchen: A Physiological Cook Book. Boston: 1861
Markham, Gervase. The English House-Wife. 1683
Markham, Gervase. The English Housewife. 1683
Marquart, John. 600 miscellaneous valuable receipts, worth their weight in gold. Lebanon, PA: 1860
Marshall, Agnes B. The Book of Ices: Including Cream and Water Ices, Sorbets, Mousses, Iced Souffles... London: 1885
Marshall, Agnes B. Mrs. A.B. Marshall's Larger Cookery Book of Extra Recipes. London: [1891] 1902
Marshall, Agnes B. Fancy Ices. London: 1894
Martin, Sarah. The New Experienced English Housekeeper. Doncaster: 1795
Mason, Charlotte. The Lady's Assistant... London: 1777 3d
Mason, Mary Ann Bryan. The Young Housewife's Counsellor.... [1875]
Massey, John. Massey and Son's Biscuit, ice, & compote book. London: 1866
Massialot, Francois. La Cuisiniere Bourgeoise Suivi De L'Office. 1752
Massialot, Francois. Le Nouveau Cuisinier Royal Et Bourgeois. 1721 [Court and Country Cook 1702]
Massialot, Francois. Le Nouveau Cuisinier Royal Et Bourgeois. 1734
Masters, P. The Young Cook's Assistant. London: 1841
Mathews, Henry. The housewife's companion 1878
Mathews, John. Book of Directions for Carbonated Beverages. NY: 1832
Mathews, John. Directions for Using Matthews' Machines for Making Soda Water, NY: 1865
Masters, Thomas. A Short treatise… inventions… ice…soda water, lemonade… London: 1850
May, Robert. The Accomplisht Cook. 1685
Mendall, PH. The New Bedford practical receipt book. New Bedford, Mass: 1862
Menon. La Cuisiniere Bourgeoise. 1753
Menon. La cuisinière bourgeoise. 1756
Menon. La Cuisinière Bourgeoise. Bruxelles: 1760
Menon. La Cuisiniere Bourgeoise. Paris: 1769
Menon. La Cuisinière Bourgeoise. Marseille: 1791
Menon. La Cuisiniere Bourgeoise. Paris: 1815
Menon. La Nouvelle Cuisine. Paris: 1742
Menon. Nouveau traite de la Cuisine: Vol 1 Paris: 1739
Menon. Soupers de la cour. 1755 [The professed cook]
Menon / Clermont, B. The Professed Cook...French...English London: 1812 10th ed [1769]
Menon/Taylor, S. The Complete Family Cook, being a system of cookery... 4th ed enlarged. 1796
Merritt, Raleigh H. From Captivity to Fame... George Washington Carver. Boston: 1929
Metcalf, Martha. Student's manual in household arts. 1915
Meteyard, Eliza. Mainstone's Housekeeper. London: 1860
Mills, Mrs. Reform Cookery Book. Up-to-date health cookery... 1909
Mitchell, Margaret Johnes. The fireless cook book, New York: 1913
Mollard, John. The Art of Cookery. London: 1802 2nd
Mollard, John. The Art of Cookery made easy and refined. 4th London: 1808
Mollard, John. The Art of Cookery. London: 1836 new ed.
Montefiore, Judith Cohen. The Jewish Manual.London: 1846
Moore, Richard. The Artizans' Guide and Everybody's Assistant. Montreal: 1873
Morse, Sidney. Household discoveries; and Mrs. Curtis's Cook Book . New York: 1908
Munster-Ledenburg, Harriet. Dainty dishes, receipts. Edinburgh: 1866
Murray, John. New Family Receipt-Book. London: 1820
Moxon, Elizabeth. English Housewifry, 1764
Murphy, Charles J., American Indian corn (maize). Edinburgh :1890.
Murrell, John. A new booke of Cookerie 1615
Murrey, Thomas. Book of Entrees. NY: 1886
Murrey, Thomas. Cookery for Invalids. NY: 1887
Murrey, Thomas. Fifty Salads. NY: 1885
Murrey, Thomas. Fifty Soups. NY: 1884
Murrey, Thomas. The Murrey Collection of Cookery Books. NY: 1895
Murrey, Thomas. Oysters and Fish. NY: 1888
Murrey, Thomas. Practical Carving. NY: 1887
Murrey, Thomas. Salads and Sauces. NY: 1884
Murrey, Thomas. Valuable Cooking Receipts. NY: 1880
Muskett, Philip E. The Art of Living in Australia, Sidney, 1893
Muskett, Philip E. The Art of Living in Australia, 1909
Myers, Ella. The Centennial Cook Book. Phila: 1876

Neil, Edna, The A & P everyday cook & recipes book. [190-]
Neil, Marion. Canning, preserving and pickling. Phila: c1914
Neil, Marion. The Story of Crisco. 1916
Nesbitt, Florence. Low cost cooking. Chicago: 1915
Nichols, T.L, Dr. How to cook London: 1872
Nicholson, Asenath, Nature’s own book. New York: W. S. (1832)2d ed 1835 (Graham; vegetarian)
Nicholson, Elizabeth. What I Know; Or, Hints ... housekeeper. Phila: 1856
Nicholson, Elizabeth. The home manual, or, The economical cook and house-book. 5th, enlarged, Phila: 1865
Nott, John. The Cook's and Confectioner's Dictionary. London: 1723
Nutt, Frederick. The Complete Confectioner ... London: 1807
Nutt, Frederick. The Complete Confectioner. London: 1819
Nutt, Frederick. The Imperial and Royal Cook. London: 1809

Orr, N De Witt's Connecticut cook book. 1871
Otto, Frederick. The American pastry baker. English and German. Phila: 1872

Parkes, Mrs. William. Domestic Duties…Young Married Ladies… 3d Am from 3d London. NY: 1829
Parkinson, Eleanor. The Complete Confectioner, Pastry-Cook And Baker. Philadelphia: 1864
Parloa, Maria. The Appledore Cook Book. Boston: 1872
Parloa, Maria. Chocolate And Cocoa Recipes, Dorchester: c1909
Parloa, Maria. Choice Recipes: Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes, 1913
Parloa, Maria. First Principles of Household Management and Cookery: A Text-book. Boston: 1879
Parloa, Maria. Home Economics. New York: c1898
Parloa, Maria. Home Economics: A Guide to Household Management. New and Enlarged Ed. NY: 1915
Parloa, Maria. Miss Parloa's Kitchen Companion. NY: 1887 19th ed
Parloa, Maria. Miss Parloa's New Cook Book. New York: 1882
Parloa, Maria. Miss Parloa's Young Housekeeper...beginners...for two or three. Boston: 1894
Parton, James. The Humorous Poetry of the English Language. NY: 1856 p459-
Payne, A.G. Cassell's Vegetarian Cookery London: 1891
Payne, Arthur. Common-sense papers on cookery. London: 1877
Pegge, Samuel. The Forme of Cury. 1390 1780
Perkins, John. Every Woman her own House-keeper. London: 1796
Pepys manuscript 1047 15th cen.
Pereira, Jonathan. A treatise on food and diet. New York: 1843
Peterson, Hannah. The national cook book. Phila: 1856 9th ed
Peterson, Hannah. The national cook book. Philadelphia: 1866
Peterson, Hannah. The young wife's cook book…breakfast, dinner and tea 1870
Petre, D. Manuscript Cookbook of D. Petre,1705
Philp, Robert. The Corner cupboard. London: 1858
Philp, Robert. The Dictionary of daily wants. London: 1861
Philp, Robert. Enquire within upon everything. London: 1865
Philp, Robert Kemp. Enquire within upon everything: to which is added Enquire within upon fancy. 1872
Philp, Robert. The Family save-all, a system of secondary cookery. London: 1861
Philp, Robert. The Lady's every-day book. London: 1875
Philp, Robert. The Shopkeeper's Guide. London: 1853
Philp, Robert. Take my advice: giving information on everything pertaining to daily life. London: 1872
Pinkham, Lydia. Fruits and Candies, Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. ca.1900s
Pinkham, Lydia. War Time Cook and Health, Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., 1912
Plat, Hugh. Delightes for Ladies. 1609
Porter, M. E. Mrs. Porter's new southern cookery book. Phila: 1871
Price. Dr. Price's Delicious Desserts...Price Flavoring Extract Co. Chicago: 1904
Price. The New Dr. Price Cook book for use with Dr. Price's...Powder, Chicago: 1921
Potter. Cupid at Home in the Kitchen following Mrs. Potter's Advice, ca.1910s
Putnam, E. A primary cook book: for new beginners in housekeeping Boston: 1862
Putnam, Henry. Touches on agriculture… recipes… apples. 2d enlarged. Salem, MA: 1825
Pybus, William. A manual of useful knowledge. Hull: 1810

Radcliffe, M. A Modern System of Domestic Cookery. Manchester: 1823
Raffald, Elizabeth. The Experienced English Housekeeper. London: 1769
Raffald, Elizabeth. The Experienced English Housekeeper. London: 1786
Raffald, Elizabeth. The experienced English house-keeper, consisting of near 800 original receipts. London: 1808
Raffald, Elizabeth. The Experienced English Housekeeper. Phila: 1818
Randolph, Mary. The Virginia Housewife, Or, Methodical Cook, Baltimore: 1836
Randolph, Mary. The Virginia Housewife, Or, Methodical Cook, Baltimore: 1838
Randolph, Mary. The Virginia Housewife, Or, Methodical Cook, 1860
Ranhofer, Charles. The Epicurean. New York: 1894
Read, George. The complete biscuit and gingerbread baker's assistant . London: 1854
Reeve, Christine. Cookery and Housekeeping. London: 1882
Reid, Hartelaw. Cookery, rational, practical and economical... with the chemistry of food. London: 1855 2d
Richards, Amy G. Cookery. Montréal: 1895
Richards, Ellen The chemistry of cooking and cleaning. Boston: 1882
Ricket, E. The gentleman's table guide. (drinks) London: 1871
Riddell, R. Indian Domestic Economy and Receipt Book. Madras: 1860
Robbins, Bertha. Pleasantville Cook-book. NY: 1894
Roberts, I. The Young Cook's Guide... of French and English Cookery. London: 1836
Roberts, I. The young cook's guide. London: 1841
Roberts, Robert. The House Servant's Directory. New York: 1827
Roberts, Robert. The House Servant's Directory. Boston: 1828 2d ed
Roberts, W. H. The British wine-maker...brewing. Edinburgh: 1835
Robinson, H.M. The practical cook book. NY: 1864
Robinson, Solon. Facts for farmers; also for the family circle. New York: 1865
Roger, P.P. Domestic Economy. Boston: 1842
Ronald, Mary. The Century Cook Book. NY: 1895
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. Canning and Preserving. Rev & Enlarged. Phila: 1912
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. Cereal Foods and How to Cook Them, 1899
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. Dainties. Phila: 1894
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. Dainty Dishes for All the Year Round, Part I: Ice Creams. 1900
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. Good Cooking. Phila: 1898
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. Home Helps, A Pure Food Cook Book, 1910
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. Hot Weather Dishes. Phila.: 1888
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. How to Cook Vegetables. NY: Burpee & Co. 1891
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. How to Use a Chafing Dish. Rev & Enlarged ed. Phila: 1912
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. Ice Creams, Water Ices, Frozen Puddings.... [Philly?] 1915
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. Left Overs. Phila: 1898
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. Made-over Dishes.
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. Many ways for cooking eggs. [1912?]
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. Mrs. Rorer's New Cook Book. Philadelphia: [c1902]
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. New Salads for Dinners, Luncheons, Suppers and Receptions... Phila: 1897
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. Philadelphia Cook Book: A Manual of Home Economics. Phila: 1886
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. Sandwiches. Rev & Enlarged ed. Phila: 1912
Rorer, Sarah Tyson. World's Fair Souvenir Cook Book. St. Louis, 1904. Phila: 1904
Rose, Mary Swartz. Everyday foods in war time, New York: 1918
Ross, Janet. Leaves from Our Tuscan Kitchen: Or, How to Cook Vegetables. London: 1900
Rumpolt, Marx. Ein New Kochbuch. 1581. portions translated
Rundell, Maria Eliza Ketelby. American Domestic Cookery. New York: 1823
Rundell, Maria Eliza Ketelby. The Family Receipt Book. Pittsburgh, 1819. 2d Am. ed
Rundell, Maria Eliza Ketelby. Mrs. Rundell's Domestic cookery. London: 1859 rev ed with additions
Rundell, Maria Eliza Ketelby. The new family receipt book. London: 1837
Rundell, Maria Eliza Ketelby. A New System Of Domestic Cookery. Boston: 1807
Rundell, Maria Eliza Ketelby. A New System of Domestic Cookery. London: 1808. new
Rundell, Maria Eliza Ketelby. A New System of Domestic Cookery... throughout the US New York: 1814
Rundell, Maria Eliza Ketelby. A New System of Domestic Cookery. New York: 1817
Rundell, Maria Eliza Ketelby. A New System of Domestic Cookery. London: 1824 new ed corrected
Rundell, Maria Eliza Ketelby. A New System of Domestic Cookery. London: 1826
Rundell, Maria Eliza Ketelby. A New System of Domestic Cookery. London: 1833
Rundell, Maria Eliza Ketelby. A New System of Domestic Cookery... Many New Receipts. London: 1840
Rundell, Maria Eliza Ketelby. A New System of Domestic Cookery... Many New Receipts. London: 1842
Russell, Malinda. A domestic cook book... Paw Paw, Mich: 1866
Russell, Malinda. A domestic cook book. Paw Paw, Mich: 1866 Intro, facsimile 2007
Ruthven, Lord Patrick. The Ladies Cabinet Enlarged and Opened. London: 1658
Rutledge, Sarah. The Carolina Housewife or House and Home: by a Lady of Charleston. Charleston: 1847
Ryan, Catherine. Convalescent Cookery: A Family Handbook. London: 1881

Sala, George Augustus. The Thorough Good Cook. 1896
Sanderson, J.M. The Complete Cook. Philadelphia: 1864
Scappi. Opera Di Bartolomeo Scappi 1570
Scappi. Opera Di Bartolomeo Scappi 1610
Scappi. Opera Di Bartolomeo Scappi 1622
Secundus, Dick. Apician Morsels; or, Tales of the table, kitchen and larder. London: 1829
Seely, Lida. Mrs. Seely's Cook Book: A Manual of French and American Cookery. NY: 1914
Senn, Charles Herman. Cookery for invalids and the convalescent. London: 1909
Shaw, OM. Mrs. Shaw's receipt book and housekeeper's assistant. Portland, ME: 1878
Shillaber, Lydia. Mrs. Shillaber's Cook-Book. NY: 1887
Shuman, Carrie V. Favorite Dishes, A Columbian... souvenir cookery book. Chicago: 1893
Shute, TS. The American housewife: cook book, Parts 1-2 1878
Sim, Margaret. Margaret Sim's Cookery. Edinburgh: 1883
Simmons, Amelia. American Cookery, 1798
Simpson, John. A Complete System of Cookery. London: 1806
Simpson, John. A Complete System of Cookery. London: 1816
Simpson, John. Simpson’s Cookery, improved and modernized. London: 1834
Skuse, E. The confectioners' hand-book… art of sugar boiling… 100 ill. London: 1881
Sloan, Earl S. Sloan's Cook Book and advice to housekeepers, Boston: 1905
Smiley, James. Smiley's cook book and universal household guide. Chicago: c1901
Smith, Eliza. The Compleat Housewife: Or, Accomplish’d Gentlewomen’s Companion London: 1730
Smith, Eliza. The Compleat Housewife: Or, Accomplished Gentlewoman’s Companion 9th London: 1739
Smith, Eliza. The Compleat Housewife: Or, Accomplished Gentlewoman’s Companion Williamsburg: 1743
Smith, Eliza. The Compleat Housewife: Or, Accomplished gentlewoman’s Companion 14th ed London: 1750
Smith, Eliza. The Compleat Housewife: Or, Accomplished gentlewoman’s Companion London: 1773
Smith, Edward. Foods. New York:1873
Smith, Jacqueline. Famous Old Receipts Used A Hundred Years... North and the Descendants. Phila: 1906
Smith, John. A dictionary of popular names of the plants... London: 1882
Smith, John. The principles and practice of vegetarian cookery. London: 1860
Smith, John. Vegetable cookery. London: 1866
Smith, Mary. Temperance Cook Book. San Jose: 1887
Smith, Robert. Court cookery: or, The compleat English cook. London: 1725
Smith, Thomas. The Wonders of Nature and Art. London: 1804
Somerville, Mary. Cookery and domestic economy. Glasgow: 1862
Soule, H. H. Canoe and Camp Cookery. NY: 1885
Southgate, Henry. Things a lady would like to know concerning domestic management. 1875
Soyer, Alexis. The Gastronomic Regenerator. London: 1847 4th ed
Soyer, Alexis. The Modern Housewife: Or, Ménagère. London: 1851
Soyer, Alexis. A shilling cookery for the people. London: 1854
Stern, Frances. Food for the worker: the food values and cost of a series of menus... Boston: 1917
Steveley, W. The new whole art of confectionary. 5th Nottingham: 1828
Stewart, Frances. Lessons in cookery. Chicago: c1918-1920.
Stewart, Isabella. The Home Messenger Book of Tested Receipts. Detroit: 1878 2d
Stewart, John. The Young Woman's Companion. Manchester: 1813
Stewart, John The young woman's companion. Oxford: 1815 3d
Stone, S.T. The Sunny Side Dessert Book . Lynchburg, VA: 1908
Storke, Elliot G. Domestic and rural affairs, 1852
Stowe, Harriet Beecher. House and home papers. Boston: 1869
Stuart, Martha Elizabeth, Sixty One Uses for Salt, ca. 1900s
Stubbe, Henry. The Indian Nectar, or a Discourse concerning Chocolata… London: 1662
Sulz, Charles. A Treatise on Beverages: Or, The Complete Practical Bottler. NY: 1888
Sylvester, Charles. The Philosophy of Domestic Economy. Nottingham: 1819

Tanty, Francois. La Cuisine Francaise. French Cooking for Every home. Chicago: c.1893
Taylor, E. The Lady's, housewife's, and Cookmaid's Assistant. Berwick: 1769
Taylor, Margaret. The New Galt Cook Book. Toronto: 1898
Tegetmeier, William. The scholars' handbook of household management and cookery. London: 1876
Terhune, Mary - see Marion Harland
Terrington, William. Cooling cups and dainty drinks. London: 1869
Thomann, G. American Beer. Glimpses of Its History and Description of Its Manufacture. 1909
Thomas, Edith M. Mary At The Farm...Pennsylvania Germans, Norristown: 1915.
Thomas, Jerry. How to mix drinks: or, The bon-vivant's companion. NY: 1862
Thudichum, J. L. W. Cookery, its art and practice. London: 1895
Tilden, Joe. Joe Tilden's Recipes for Epicures. San Francisco: 1907
Timbs, John. Hints for the table: or, The economy of good living. London: 1859
Timbs, John. Manual of Domestic Economy. London: 1847
Timbs, John. One thousand domestic hints. London: 1871
Toogood, Harriett. The Treasury of French Cookery. London: 1866
Townsend, George H. The relation of food to health and premature death. St. Louis: 1897
Trowbridge, Laura. Excelsior Cook Book and Housekeeper's Aid. NY: 1870
Tschirky, Oscar. The Cook Book, by "Oscar" of the Waldorf. Chicago: 1896
Tyree, Marion Fontaine Cabell. Housekeeping In Old Virginia. Richmond: 1878
Tyson, M.L. The queen of the kitchen : a collection of old Maryland receipts for cooking. Baltimore : Lucas Brothers, 1870 288p
Tyson, M.L. The Queen of the Kitchen: a collection of "old Maryland" family...1007 receipts. Phila: 1874 412p.
Tyson, M.L. The Queen of the Kitchen: a collection of Southern cooking receipts. Phila: 1886 412p.

Ude, Louis. The French Cook. London: 1815 3d
Ude, Louis. The French Cook. London: 1829
Ure, Andrew. A dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines... 1853
Ure, Andrew. A dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines... 1871

Vaughan's vegetable Cookbook. 1919
Verral, William. A complete system of cookery. White Hart Inn, Lewes. London: 1759
Viard, A. Le cuisinier imperial. Paris: 1806
Vine, Frederick. Biscuits for Bakers: Easy to Make and Profitable to Sell. London: 1896
Vine, Frederick. Practical Bread-making: A Useful Guide for All in the Trade. 2d ed. London: 1900
Vine, Frederick. Practical Pastry: A Handbook for Pastrybakers, Cooks and Confectioners. London: 1894
Vine, Frederick. Saleable Shop Goods for Counter-tray and Window: (including his book "Popular Penny Cakes”) 4th ed. London: 1907
Vine, Frederick. Savoury Pastry: Savoury Dish and Raised Pies, Pork Pies, Patties, Vol-au-vents, mincemeats and pies… London: 1900
Vintner. The Vintner's, Brewer's, spirit merchant's... London: 1826

W., A. A Book of Cookrye 1591
Wadsworth, Capt. John. Chocolate: or, An Indian Drinke. London, 1652
Wagner, E. B. Recipes for the preserving of fruit, vegetables, and meat. London : 1908.
Walsh, John. A Manual of Domestic Economy. London: 1856
Walsh, John. A manual of domestic economy: suited to families spending from $150 to $1500 1874
Ward, Artemas. The Grocer's Encyclopedia., New York: 1911.
Warren, Eliza. Comfort for small incomes. London: 1866
Warren, Eliza. How the Lady-help taught girls to cook and be useful. London: 1879
Washington, Mrs. The Unrivalled Cook-book and Housekeeper's Guide. NY: 1886
Waters. W. G. The Cook's Decameron... Italian Dishes. 1901 [1920]
Weatherley, Henry. A Treatise on the Art of Boiling Sugar...Comfits, Gum Goods... Confectionery. Phila: 1864
Webster, A. L. The Improved Housewife. Hartford: 1844 2d rev
Webster, A. L. The Improved Housewife. Hartford: 1847 9th rev
Webster, A. L. The Improved Housewife. 1851
Wellman, Mabel. Food planning and preparation: a junior course. Phila: c1923
Wells, Robert. The Bread and Biscuit Baker's and Sugar-Boiler's Assistant. London: 1890
Wells, Robert. The Modern Practical Bread Baker. Manchester: 1892
Wells, Robert. The New System of Making Bread. Manchester: 1903 
Wells, Robert. The Pastrycook & confec. guide for hotels, rest. London: 1889
White, John. A Treatise on the Art of Baking. Edinburgh: 1828
Whitehead, Jessup. The steward's handbook and guide to party catering. Chicago:1889.
Wicken, Harriet. The Kingswood cookery book. London: 1885
Widdifield, Hannah. Widdifield's New Cook Book. Phila: 1856
Wigley, SS. Cookery and home comforts. London: 1877
Wilcox, Estelle Woods. Buckeye Cookery, and Practical Housekeeping. Minneapolis: 1877
Wilcox, Estelle Woods. Practical Housekeeping...revised and enlarged edition. Minneapolis: 1883
Wilcox, Estelle Woods. The New Practical Housekeeping. Minneapolis: 1890
Wiley, Harvey Washington. Beverages and Their Adulteration: Origin, Composition, Manufacture. Phila: 1919
Williams, Henry T. Household hints and recipes. Boston: 1884.
Williams, Martha McCulloch. Dishes & Beverages Of The Old South. NY: 1913
Williams, Mary. Elements of the theory and practice of cookery. NY: 1916
Williams, T. The Accomplished Housekeeper. London: 1797
Williams, William. The chemistry of cookery. New York: 1885
Williams, William. The Chemistry of cookery. New York: 1900
Williamson, I. The practice of cookery and pastry. Edinburgh: 1862
Williamson, D. Supplement to The practice of cookery and pastry. Edinburgh: 1881
Willis, Lida Ames. Home Helps, A Pure Food Cook Book, 1910
Willis, Michael. Cheap, nice, and nourishing cookery : or, how working people may live well… London: c1841, 1831
Willis, Michael. Cookery made easy. Thatched House Tavern. London: 1831 1824
Wilson, Mary A. Mrs. Wilson's Cook Book: Numerous new recipes... present economic conditions. Phila. 1920
Mrs. Winslow's Domestic Receipt Book 1878.
Worlidge, John. Vinetum Britannicum... Treatise of Cider London: 1678
Wood, Alvin. Dr. Chase's Family Physician, Farrier, Bee-keeper, and Second Receipt Book. Toledo, OH: 1874
Woolley, Hannah. The Gentlewoman's Companion.1675
Wright's book of 3000 practical receipts... New York [1869]
Youman, Alexander. A Dictionary of Every-day Wants: Containing Twenty Thousand Receipts. NY: 1872

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