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Last Will and Testament of Grace Teneley

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In the Name of God amen. I Grace Teneley of Prince George’s County in the Province of Maryland being of perfect mind and sound memory, blessed be God for the same, considering frailty and the uncertainty of this life and the certainty of death when it shall please God to call, wherefore though good to me he constitute and appoint this to be my last will and testament as following, I commit my soul to the almighty God that gave it to me, and for my body to be buried in such manner as my exec. hereafter named shall think fit.

1ly I do devise, give and bequeath unto my daughter Anne Murphey my side saddle and all my wearing clothes that I may leave by me of my Death.

2ly I do devise, give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Williams one shilling current money and no more whatsoever to her heirs

3ly I do devise, give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Ridgeway one shilling current money and no more whatsoever to her heirs

4ly I do devise, give and bequeath unto my daughter Charity Simpson one shilling current money and no more whatsoever to her heirs

5ly I do devise, give and bequeath unto my son Benjamin Teneley one shilling current money and no more whatsoever to him and his heirs

6ly I do devise, give and bequeath to my grandson Philip Teneley the son of my son Josias Teneley, one good Feather Bed, one rug, one blanket and pair of sheets to him and his heirs

7ly I do devise, give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Grace Teneley the daughter of my son Josias Teneley one feather bed, one rug, one blanket and a pair of sheets to her and her heirs

8ly I do devise, give and bequeath unto my son Josias Teneley all the residue of my Personal Estate that I have or ought to have in this world whatsoever, I give unto the afore mentioned Josias Teneley to him and his heirs forever I do hereby appoint my son Josias Teneley to be my whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament which I have here unto set my hand and seal this fourteenth day of November 1775.

Signed and sealed in the presence of Susanna Fry, Thomas Shearwood, Robert Wade Sr.

Will was probated on January 8, 1776.

Will found in Box:12 Folder:39 Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, MD *Philip's will can be found in the same box

Front of Grace's Will

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