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Last Will and Testament of Isaac Oswalt

I Isaac Oswalt of Van Buren Township in Clay County and State of Indiana do make and publish this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made.
First I direct that my body be decently Intered and that my funeral be conducted in a manner coressponding with my Estate abd situation in life and as such worldly Estate as it has pleased God to Entrust me with I dispose of in the following manner,
I direct first that all my just debts and funeral Expenses be paid as soon after my decease as possible and of the first money that shall come into the hands of my Executor from any portion of my Estate Real of personal.
I will that my beloved wife have all the use and benefit of all my Real Estate as long as she may live and she shall have all the corn, Wheat, Cloverseed and all the Horses, hogs and chattle property with all the farming untensils and the house hold and kitchen furniture, beds and beding and all Notes and Moneys due me and an hand Excpt one note which I hold of Samuel Oswalt for the amount of two Hundred dollars which I will that my son Henry shall receive and I will that my beloved wife shall pay my debts out of this money on hand or any that may come into ter hands of my Estate.
I further will that after my youngest child becomes of age that all of my Real Estate be sold and the money be Eaqualy divided between all my children provided that my beloved wife be deceased at that time and if she, still survives then the Real Estate shall not be sold till after her decease and I hereby make and Ordain my Worthy and Esteemed Wife, Executrix of this my last will and Testament in Witness Whereof I Isaac Oswalt the Testator have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty sixth day of November A.D. 1853 Isaac Oswalt (His Mark X)

Signed sealed published and declared by the within named Isaac Oswalt as his last will and Testament the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses thereby in the presence of the said testator and in the presence of Each Other - John Bard, James Lawson -State of Indiana Clay County

John Bard one of the subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing will being on Oath says that he and James Lawson was present at the making and signing of the forgoing as the last will and Testament of Isaac Oswalt and heard him acknowledge the same to be his last will and testament and that at the time of his signing the same he was of sound mind and memory and under no coercion or Restraint and was at the time of lawful age to devise his property.
Subscribed and Sworn to before me Clerk of the court of common Plead this January 30th A.D. 1854