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Last Will and Testament of Jacob Oswalt

In the name of God Amen. I Jacob Oswalt of Londonderry township, Bedford County and State of Pennsylvania being of perfect mind and memory and calling unto mind and mortality of my body and knowing that is appointed for all men once to die. Do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the following form and manner, first and prinsably I geave and recomend my soul to allmighty christian burial and of such worldly effects as it heath pleased God to bless me with I dispose of in the following form and manner,
first I geave and bequeath unto my eldest son Tobias, all my estate consisting of the plantation whereas I now live on in the township and county as with all the appertionances thereunto belonging together with all my moveable property and household furniture mixed or unmixed, receiving ordering and directing that my son Tobias, pay unto each and every of my other children and heirs the sum of three dollars each that is to say to my daughter Catherine three dollars and to my daughter Cristin three dollars to my son Michael three dollars, to my daughter Susan three dollars and to my son Jacob three dollars and I do by these presents constitute ordain and appoint my said son Tobias and Henry Meheton? to be the entire and sole executors of this my will and testament hearby revoking annuling and setting aside all other wills heretofore made by me hereby ratifying and confirming this to be my only last will and testament In Witness whearof I heave hearunto put my hand and seal this sixth day of October in the year of our Lord 1814
Jacob Oswalt
His X mark
In Presence of us: Benj Tomlinson, Henry Hetherington, Conreleus De Vore. The will was probated 22 July 1819. by Corneluis Devore attorney.

Bedford County: Personally appeared before me the subscriber Register for the probate of wills and granting letters of administration in and for ssaid county. Benjamin Tomlinson one of the subscribing witnesses to the within instrument in writing who being duly sworn doth depose and say that he was personally present and heard and saw Jacob Oswalt the testator sign (by making his mark) publish and declare the within instruments in writing as and for his last will and testament - that at the time of doing whereof the testator was of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding according to the last of the deponants knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed this 18th day of September A.D. 1819

Be it remembered that on the 18th day of September A.D. 1819 Letters Testamentary was granted to Tobias Oswalt, the executor named in the foregoing will named he having been duly sworn according to Law