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Last Will and Testament of William Long

In the name of God amen.
I William Long of the South River of Shanadore in the County of Augusta and Common Wealth of Virginia being weake in body but of a perfect mind and memory, blessed be God, fo this 29th day of January 1781 make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner following and first and principally recommend my soul unto the hands of God tha give it. I recommend my Body to be Buried by my Executors in a Christian like and decent manner, nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive. The same again by the Mighty power of God and as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life,I give and devise and bequeath the same as followeth:
_____ it is my will and desire and I hereby order and direct that all my just debts and funeral charges be first paid and satisfied, then I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved her wearing apparel, bed and bed clothes, also all the cows and sheep and Reachel the negro girl, all the household furniture. everything that shall be hereafter mentioned to dispose of as she thinks fitt, also her thirds of all ther land I have in possesion, also the house during her natural life.
I will and bequeath to my son Alexander Long, the one half of the Mills and ten acres of land lying on the hill joining the Mills for the use of firewood and the One half of the hill, also all the bonds money and book accounts that my son William had in his possesion at his dicease to him and his heirs assigns forever, out of this he is to furnish my Grand Son William’s son, infant when he comes to the age of Twenty One Years one good horse and saddle and clothing, one suit such as his father left.
I give and bequeath to my son Francis Long one hundred acres of land lying along Jacob Gebharts line to him and his heirs and assigns forever also twenty pounds in hard money or the Value in paper for his Work at the Mills to be paid him as shall hereafter directed.
I give and bequeath to my sons David and Joseph Long four hundred acres of land to be divided equally betwixt them in quantity and quality to them and their heirs and assigns forever.
I give and bequeath to my son John Long, if ever he returns home again One hundred pounds of hard money or the Value in paper to be levied out of my Estate as his proper share of Land to him and his heirs or assigns forever I give and bequeath to my son James Long, the one half of the land which remains not heretofore bequeathed a part of the Tract I now live on lying along James Bells line also the one half of the Mills and the half of the ___ and the Negroe boy named Jesse to him and his heirs and assigns forever also one young bay mare.
I give and bequeath to my son Samuel Long the other half of the remander of land before mentioned lying betwixt Francis and James, also the Negroe woman named Jenny and her child Jeremia to him and his heirs or assigns forever.
I give and bequeath to my daughters Elisabeth Henderson and Dorcas Barnett one hundred and thirty five acres of land joining David’s and Josephs, also one hundred fifty acres of land lying on the Long Meadow to be equally dividedd betwixt them, to them and their heirs and assigns forever, also one bed and Bed clothes to each of them.
I give and bequeath to my GrandSon William Long, William’s son two hundred and fifty acres of land lying on the Long Meadow Either the side joining Andrew McClure or the side joining James Alexander, to him and his heirs forever. It is my will and do order that in case that my Grandson dies before he arrives at the age of Twenty One years or comes to the possesion of his Estate herein bequeathed that then that part of my Estate shall be sold or equally divided between my sons Alexander Francis Joseph and David Samuel and James. It is my will and order and derect that my son Alexander and James Long do pay the above mentioned twenty pounds to my son Francis out of their proper share within two years after my disese.
It is my will and do order that the Waggon and horses not heretofor mentioned and farming _____ it do be for the use of the plantation equally amongst my sons alexander Francis Samuel and James Long.
It is my will that in case any of my children be dissatisfied or raise disturbance in the family abot their part that they shall have five shillings as their share and their part be equally divided amongs the rest of my children
I hereby constitute and appoint my sons Alexander, Samuel and James Long Executors of this my last will and testament hoping that they will see the same punctually fulfilled satisfying it and no other to be my last will and testament. In Witness whereunto I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. signed, William Long
Signed Sealed published pronounced and declared by the Testator William Long as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us the subscribers John Bell Gabriel Alexander Joseph Bell

At a Court held for Augusta County Sept. 18 1781 This last will and Testament of William Long deceased was proved by the Oath of John Bell and Gabriel Alexander two of the Witnesses thereto ordered to be Recorded.

Transcribed by Summer Owens