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Take The Bull By The Horns


Article Archive - Part 1 of 2
Article Archive - Part 2 of 2
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When I was 17 I was still at school. I had finished my “O “ levels but had not yet taken my “ A “ Levels. I decided to study chemical engineering at university because the subject appeared to be a hybrid of chemistry and mathematics both subjects which I enjoyed studying at school. The procedure was to go prospective universities for interview for entrance purposes.

I chose the following three institutions:-

  • Imperial College, London ( IC )

  • University Of Birmingham

  • University of Sheffield

At the time I was living on a small farm about 1 mile from a medium sized town and hadn’t really lived in a big city. Before leaving on the interviews I discussed the proposal with my Chemistry teacher and I remember him saying, “Take the bull by the horns!”

I remember first going to London and having an interview at Imperial College(IC). The men which interviewed me there grilled me with some fairly tough technical questions. They told me I would have to get a minimum of 3 “Cs” at A level to gain entrance to IC.

The next day I visited Birmingham and the interview there was relatively easy and was asked for only 3 passes at A level to gain admission.

The next stop was Sheffield; I remember the Chem Eng department at the time was like a building site and I had to walk through areas watching out for protruding scaffolding and circumvent piles of sand, etc. I was not overly impressed with this option.

Needless to say I chose the University of Birmingham and after passing my “ A “ Levels started attending “university” there when I was 18.

Over 2 decades later, when living in Canada I returned again to Birmingham, England at the leading of the Lord. In 1995 I started witnessing in an area called the Bull Ring Centre…. see Street Preaching Experience

One day recently I remembered “the word“ I was given by my old Chemistry teacher, “ Take the bull by the horns!” Was it just a coincidence or was it prophetic? I would like to think it was the latter!

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. ( Ephesians 2 : 10 )

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