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My Chains Fell Off - Andy McLaughlin

Redigging The Wells Of Welsh Revival

I was born in Durham, England. Growing up there was not easy, especially when I went to school, because I was bullied a lot and hated it.


Then we moved to Rossett in North Wales, where in 1994 I met some people from the Rossett Church. They seemed very happy people, so I went to some of their services and somehow imagined that I was a Christian… but wasn’t … I was just a very muddled individual and in truth, my religion was drinking and drugs.


When I did go the Rossett Church, I smelt of drink and nearly out of my mind, yet those people always made me welcome and showed me the love of Jesus. They gave me a Bible, I bought a crucifix and thought I had really made it … but I hadn’t, because when I read the Bible it meant nothing to me; I might just as well have been reading the Yellow Pages!


In 1996 I fulfilled a child hood dream and joined the army spending some time in Bally Kelly, Northern Ireland… but even there I was heavily into drugs, ecstasy, drink and women… it was just a down – ward spiral.


Then, out of the blue, my dad died and for 6 months my life seemed to be in a great black hole. I couldn’t sleep and couldn’t see the point of anything in my life.


About this time I met two Christian nurses and a man called Jim Lawther who ran the SASRA café. Jim witnessed to me about Jesus, about my sinful life and what Jesus could do for me. He invited me to the café, where we had a good talk. He told me his wife had died of cancer and though he missed her very much, was not sad, because he knew that she had gone to be with Jesus.


As Jim continued to witness to me, I could feel an  emptiness and a spiritual hunger for “ something “ these people had got but I hadn’t … it was Jesus! Jim asked me if I wanted to pray “the sinners’ prayer” which I did and gave my life to Jesus. I just knew that I was saved and had a real peace. I began sleeping better and was rejoicing in Jesus, my Wonderful Saviour.


I left the army in 2000 after 4 ½ years of service. I still had some problems, but the Lord Jesus was very patient with me and now I can truly say the drink, drugs, women and martial arts are all gone and I just praise God for His wonderful love to me!


In 2001 I was baptised and can truly say that I love the Lord Jesus more and more and all I want to do is to tell others about Him, because I know that what He has done for me, He can do for them. So, as you read this testimony, give your life to Jesus and know true happiness that comes from a relationship with Him.


John 3: 16              Jesus gave Himself for you and me.

John 14: 6              Jesus is the only truth and the only way.

Revelation 3: 20     Jesus wants to come into your life.




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