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It Costs To Give Out Tracts In Coventry

During the last few years in England I have noticed a trend towards erosion of privileges for street witnessing

During the last few years in England I have noticed a trend towards erosion of privileges for street witnessing.


For example, a few years ago in the Bull Ring Centre ... a major market in the centre of Birmingham

( England ) one was allowed to freely give out tracts and preach the gospel with a PA system. Since construction of the new Bull Ring Centre there is an outside " NO- GO " area where one is not allowed to distribute tracts and preach the gospel.


In other adjacent cities and towns similar restrictions are been instituted.


On June 12, 2006 a brother in Christ and me were street witnessing / tracting in the centre of city of Coventry (which is about 20 miles south of Birmingham ). In the afternoon of the same day I received the following E- mail ...see below ***.


*** Hello Michael

 I received your wonderful leaflet "It's a Goal" this morning in Coventry. It would be very kind if you would approach CV One before distributing these or other leaflets in future. There is a charge of £50 plus vat per day. This helps pay for the clearing up exercise of those who are not appreciative of your leaflets and throw them on the floor.

Best regards God be with you

Johnathan Westley

Head of Sales CV One Group Publishing, Events, Marketing and Promotion UK, Coventry & Warwickshire Telephone: +44 (0)24 76 834 737 Fax: +44 (0)24 76 834 749 Mobile: +44 (0)77 48 116 044


Tracts which were given out that day are to be found ONLINE at:-

The tract " It' s A Goal" which is mentioned above is located at:-


Also I may add that I personally saw only one tract of ours on the ground and we were not creating any litter problem! For the information of our North American friends £50 + VAT equates to approximately $ 100.00 US.


In other words the city authority is asking for about £60 or $100US/ day to give out tracts. Men and the devil will have their say but Praise God, The Lord will have the Last Word, Amen.

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Article Archive Part 1 of 2
Article Archive Part 2 of 2
Carlisle Case ( Feb 2007 )
The Law Explained Re: Handing Out Tracts
