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 THE EAGLE' S CRY by Doreen Irvine *

I have heard the Eagle's cry, " Oh rise up higher"
It's the voice of the Lord, my heavenly Father
I heard Him calling, " bring souls unto me,
I will snap their fetters,  I will set them free. "

I have heard the Eagle's cry, I have heard his plea-
" Rise up my people and follow me,
Oh do not waver, and count the cost,
Go and preach the gospel to those who are lost."

I have heard the Eagle's cry, and the sound of His wings,
Like the sound of a trumpet, this message it brings,
" I am coming soon, oh do not limit -
The power of His voice - it's the Holy Spirit. "

I have heard the Eagle's cry,
" I will gather my sheep beneath my feathers, and these I will keep,
But there are many that have wandered away,
Go bring them back again to the narrow way. "

I have heard the Eagle's cry, yet it's also a warning -
False prophets are arising, my Word they are scorning
Evil idols are accepted, my Word is rejected
Don't let your hearts get cold and dry,
Hear the Eagle's cry.

Have you heard the Eagle's cry? Who will go for me?
Spread the gospel and set the prisoners free!
Don't let the slaves of satan die
The coming of the Lord draweth nigh,
Hear the Eagle's cry.

Inspired by Gospel Channel - The story of the Eagle's cry .  Iceland Dec. 2005


 * Doreen Irvine is also author of three books the most well known

 being,  From witchcraft to Christ.

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