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A Life Changing Experience

And He said to them, Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news (the Gospel) to every creature [of the whole human race].
Mark 16 : 15 AMP

The PRAYER AND FASTING NETWORK ( PAFN ) was started in January, 2002. This web site was originated about one year later in 2003.

There are several aspects associated with this work. These include:-

  1. Street preaching

  2. Tract production and distribution

  3. Prayer meetings

  4. Audio messages ( on cassettes and Mp3' s )

  5. Computer work including building and promoting of the PAFN web site.

Some people have had questions regarding the PAFN site. For example, we recently received the following comment:-

'' When Jesus counselled on the secret service he had outlined three clauses that should be observed and they are as follows:-

A) pray in secret; B) fast in secret and C) Give in secret ...''

In reply, it is very easy to prove from the Bible that there are different types of prayer, namely corporate as well as individual. Similarly, there are several Scriptural incidences of corporate fasting as well as the individual.

Please note there are several links to other sections off the PAFN web site homepage. Of possible interest, kindly check out the link to Article Archive which gives some personal testimonies and the link to Free Tracts. Finally, you may want to post a prayer request and/or enter into some discussion at the PAFN Forum.

Every blessing,


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