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DOMAIN OF THE DAMNED ... And How To Escape It

The word nobody wants to hear:

The word nobody wants to hear:


Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: Matthew 25:41

Description Of Hell

The Lord Jesus Christ gave some characteristics of the domain of the damned ( hell ) in Luke 16 : 19 - 31. These include ... hell is a place of:-

·        Torments. verse 23

·        Complete consciousness. verse 25

·        No exit. verse 26

Elsewhere the Lord said hell is a place of :-

·        Unquenchable fire. ( Mark 9: 45)

·        Weeping and gnashing of teeth. ( Matthew 8:12 )


The Bible also says:-


For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6: 23


Regarding the first part of this verse, " the wages of sin is death " I believe, it means more than the natural death … it means hell.


But There Is ONE WAY To Escape Hell


The second part of the verse says " But the gift of God equates to eternal life " Now all gifts are FREE to the recipient but someone has to pay for them. In this case Jesus paid for the gift of God not with silver and gold but with His precious blood (1 Peter 1:18, 19).


Also to receive the gift of God you have to make Jesus Christ Lord of your life. Some one said, "Jesus is either Lord of all or not at all!"

You may ask, "Where is hell?" ANSWER:- Hell is at the end of a Christ rejecting life!?

Therefore, to escape the Domain of the Damned repent of all your sins and pray the following prayer (on the back page) from your heart to get right with Jesus Christ before it is too late!

PRAY RIGHT NOW "now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." (2 Corinthians 6:2).

Heavenly Father I come to you now. Lord, I am a sinner. I have sinned against you, even this day, but Lord, I come and ask you in the name of Jesus that you will forgive me for all my sins, that you will wash me in the blood of Jesus and I shall be cleansed from all sin. I thank you now for saving me. Come into my heart and into my life and Lord, lead me by your Spirit and help me to live for you from this day forth. I thank you now in Jesus name, Amen.

To continue as a true believer you must follow the Lord Jesus Christ. This involves regularly: 1. Reading the Bible; 2. Praying to God in Jesus name; 3. Fellowshipping with other born-again believers.


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