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2003 October 16


1. The Secret Of Persistence

2. Prayer Requests





1 The Secret Of Persistence


Hebrews 12:1, 2 ( KJV)

1  Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

 2  Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. {author: or, beginner}



Last week we mentioned that life is generally more like a marathon than a sprint.

To know this is a great advantage in life. Take actor Paul Newman, for example. Most of us would consider Newman to be a gifted man!  He has enjoyed a superb career as an actor, and when he took up auto racing as a hobby, he proved to be extremely capable at that. Some people are just born with a lot of ability. Right? Not according to Newman.

When he talks about his successes, he describes early failures and lots of hard work. He says of himself, "I don't have a gift for anything. I've only had a gift of pursuit."  That is a gift I would recommend to us all: the gift of pursuit




According to Stedman (2) the secret of persistence is in this phrase, "looking unto Jesus." The word means "looking away unto Jesus." Look at these men and women of faith in Hebrews 11, yes, but then look away unto Jesus. Why? Because he is the author and finisher of our faith. He can begin it and he can end it, complete it. He is the pioneer, he has gone on ahead. He is also the perfecter of faith. He himself ran the race. He laid aside every weight, every tie of family and friends. Every restraining hand he brushed aside that he might resolutely walk with God. He set his face against the popular sin of unbelief and walked on in patient perseverance, trusting the Father to work everything out for him. He set the example.



In the Amplified Bible the first part of Hebrews 12: 2 reads as follows:-

" Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus..."


This reminds me of one of the first sermons I heard as a born again Christian; it was a 3 part sermon with these points :-

1. Look away from the situation or circumstances.

2. Look at God's promises.

3. Praise the Lord.


I heard it said in another place the quickest way to go under is to concentrate on the trial itself!

As long as your printer connected to your computer is running smoothly, it' s a blessing. However, if it suddenly breaks down and stops, it becomes a burden. Suddenly, in the natural all of your attention may be focused on that printer.


The answer is:" Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus..."


Similarly, other things can break down one being a person' s physical body. While the body was working right it was a blessing but if broken down it can be a different situation.


The answer is:" Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus..."


Another common prayer request item is restoration of broken down finances. When a person tries to fix their finances with carnal answers, the burden can grow worse rather than better.


The answer is:" Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus..."




1. Papalou, "Faith For the Long Term" (2003)
2. Stedman, Ray, "The Epistle to the Hebrews: Series I (1965).






Other articles can be reviewed at :-

2. Prayer Requests and Feedback

(period ending Oct. 15)


* For progress in E-vangelism ...cyber street corner evangelism ( in other words evangelism and preaching on the internet ). How to operate the ministry; to avoid the pits and snares associated with this type of work. ... Michael

* For people saying sinners' prayer on the street preaching witness; please pray they will go on with the Lord. Need guidance where to go in the future ... Michael.

* Going to China in 3 weeks. Please pray for my safety. Thanks, ...Peter.

* Reduction of high blood pressure ... Ron


* Greetings to you in the most wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His richest blessings shall be upon you forever.
         Now I am giving my testimony. My name is NEELA GIRIBABU. Ours is a small village in South India. And this village is surrounded by water on three sides. So very often calamities will come and many children lose their parents and many parents lose their children. At that time many children became orphans losing their beloved parents. They become road side romeos and wandering here and there for food. As a christian, I felt pity on them and brought them to my house. Like this my orphanage got started. The name of our Orphanage is "LIVING HOPE CHILDREN HOME". This was started with 2 children. Now became 30 children. I am totally depended on local contributions only. But all our people are very poor and no offerings are coming from the church. Now I became helpless and thus searching for a Godly person like you.

Children are aged from 3 to 12 years and visit my free website; Those are all sweet little kids. Due to my disability they are being half starved and are crying in their midsleeps also.
This is my present situation. So Dear Beloved please try to help me as much as you can.

               Our orphan kids are eagerly waiting for your kind and precious reply and they are sending their love and kisses to you. My best regards to you and to your family. Awaiting early reply.
Thanking you in Jesus,
Yours sincerely in His service,
Pastor Neela Giribabu,
Pedapulivarru post,
Guntur District,
Andhra Pradesh,
South India.


Other recent submitted prayer requests can be found @



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Prayer Requests
Supplement # 47
Supplement # 48
