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Salvation Experience         
For the first time in my life I unexpectedly went to a Bible study meeting. During the study most of the scripture mentioned appeared applicable to my life at the time and without warning my legs started to shake slightly; prior to that time I had no problems with nerves. Afterwards I gave a lady a lift home, she invited me in for a cup of tea and I sat on a sofa in the living room.

After we had drunk our tea and discussed some of the things which had occurred at the Bible study the lady asked a simple question, " Do you want to pray?"          
I repeated after her the sinners'  prayer ( see below for an example ) phrase by phrase and immediately my legs started to shake such that I could not walk for about 30 - 45 minutes. Prior to that time I had never shaken anything like that.
Some time later I discovered that I had been born again.
Salvation Does Not Depend On

1. denominational church you attend;
2. baptism in water;
3. giving to the poor;
4. whether you go to a Bible study;
5. whether you are rich or poor;
6. whether you are fit or in poor health;
7. the type of past life     
In the Gospel of John you will find these words:
" Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again,  he cannot see the kingdom of God. " ( JOHN 3: 3 )
It is a MUST, it is necessary to be born again to get into heaven ( see also JOHN 3 : 7 and 1 PETER 1: 23 ).
In practical terms, as a first step a prayer which you can speak out ALOUD is as follows: 

Heavenly Father I come to you now.  Lord I am a sinner. I have sinned against you even this day, but Lord, I come and ask you in the name of Jesus that you will forgive me for all my sins, that you will wash me in the blood of Jesus and I shall be cleansed from all sin. I thank you now for saving me. Come into my heart and into my life and Lord lead me by your Spirit and help me to live for you from this day forth and I thank you now in Jesus' name,  Amen.


To continue as a true believer you must follow the Lord Jesus Christ. This involves regularly:
1. Reading  the Bible;
2. Praying to God in Jesus' name;
3. Fellowshipping with other born-again believers.
For Prayer Contact  Michael.           
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