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Redigging The Wells Of Welsh Revival - Alan Martin

Redigging The Wells Of Welsh Revival

February 2005 was the 100th anniversary of the Welsh Revival. Inspiration for this work came from a book by Lou Engle (1).




I had a dream of two towns Shrewsbury and Chester being at the ends of an archway with Wrexham being the location of the well. More recently, in Shrewsbury Tony received a vision of the Welsh bridge in Shrewsbury…interpretation link between Shrewsbury and Wales.


Tony has also had a vision on 21, April 2007 while in Shrewsbury of steps up to a partially open doorway with light coming through the door. I have had a vision of steps leading up out of a cellar up to a fully open door ( on April 17, 2007).


Another Christian Chris Vick was given a vision of fires starting up in Chester in Jan 2005. Every time I preach in Chester I feel the fire of God. A sister at Kings Church, Wolverhampton attended a meeting (in 2004) in which a certain South African evangelist Richard Mayberry gave a prophecy concerning a move of the Holy Spirit in Chester.


This all seems to point to re digging the well(s).


Prayer and Ministry


In February/ March 2005 started praying into it.


Started evangelising in Shrewsbury and Chester in March/April, 2005. As I was about to start had at least two confirmations. Firstly on  April 16, 2005 met a couple in West Bromwich who said a lot of people were praying for the Welsh Revival to return. Secondly on April 30, 2005  while in Chester met a sister from Wales who belongs to a church which has been praying for a 100 years for the revival to return (2).


In June 2006 certain team mates Andy, Tony, David and Ron Jones started regularly going to Wrexham.


In December 2006 the LORD provided me with finances to go Chester, Shrewsbury and Wrexham on a regular basis. This is continuing with increasing effectiveness due to increased prayer with the specific aim of redigging the well(s) of the Welsh Revival.



Since have been evangelising in Wrexham on a regular basis since December 18, 2006 we have seen people come to the Lord and others roused (convicted by the Holy Spirit.)


Since  December 16, 2006 Martin and myself have been going to Shrewsbury every Saturday. Subsequently others have been joining us in Shrewsbury… specifically Rob, Howard, and Tony.  Since getting together as it was in Wrexham so it is in Shrewsbury.


In Chester Chris, Andy, Themba and Tony (sometimes) are witnessing.


I learned form another book on the Welsh Revival (3 ) that Rhosllanerchrugog (4) was the place where a local revival sparked off. Rhosllanerchrugog also was the place the revival hit its highest before dying out. When the hymn, “Here Is Love Vast An Ocean “ was sung a move of the Holy Spirit was initiated (5).


In the summer of 2006 I met a Taiwanese sister and shared with her about this topic. Since then she and others have started praying and there has been a consequent anointing of the Holy Spirit in ministry.


On the day that Tony and I have started singing the hymn “Here Is Love Vast An Ocean” we have seen little things happening. For example, people in the pub have a go at me and others are listening to every word and several young people come up afterwards and gave their hearts to Jesus. There is a spot in Wrexham (near the arch in the centre of Wrexham which leads to the market) where we get a lot of opposition that is the place where things are happening. That is where I feel the well is located.


“ No Prayer, No Power; Little Prayer, Little Power; Much Prayer, Much Power.”




1. Lou Engle with Catherine Paine, "Digging The Wells of Revival", Forward by Tommy Tenney subtitle "Reclaiming Your Historic Inheritance Through Prophetic Intercession."


2. Derek Adams, Penrhyndeudreth Independent Evangelical Church, Gywnd, ( nor far from Porthmadog ), North Wales.


3. Effion Evans, “The Welsh Revival of 1904”, pp 116-119, Third Edition 1987, Reprinted 2004.


4. Rhosllanerchrugog ... this is where the Welsh Revival reached its zenith during 1905 and the place where it had completely died out by 1907.


5. Kevin Adam and Pemyr Jones, “A Pictorial History Of Revival… The Outbreak Of the 1904 Welsh Awakening “, P.34 (2004).

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