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A. The Equations
  1. V= Vo + at
     2. X= 1/2 (V + Vo) t
     3. X= Vo t + 1/2 at^2
     4. V^2= Vo^2 + 2ax

B. Acceleration
  1. Gravity is measured as 9.8 m/s^2. If an object is being thrown upward, its acceleration is -9.8m/s^2. If it is falling than its acceleration is 9.8m/s^2.
     2. Acceleration is measured in meters per second squared. (m/s^2)
     3. Acceleration is how fast something is speeding up or slowing down.

C. Velocity
  1. Initial Velocity is called V-Not. (Vo)
      2. Final Velocity is V.
      3. Velocity is measured in meters per second (m/s).
      4. Velocity is how fast something moves.

D. Time
      1. Time is how long it takes for an object to move from one position to another.
      2. Time is measured in seconds. (s)
      3. An object's time will always be positive.

E. Distance
  1. Distance is how far an object travels in a certain amount of time.
      2. Distance is measured in meters. (m)
      3. An object's distance will always be positive.


    The Kinematic Equations have a lot of uses in your everyday life. Here is a list of some of those applications.

    Of course, there are many other applications of the             kinematics in real life. This list is just a small sampling of the many ways that the kinematics can be used.


Formulas                       Variables
V= Vo + at                     Vo=initial velocity
x= 1/2 (V + Vo) t           V= final velocity
x= Vo t + 1/2at^2          a=acceleration
V^2=Vo^2 + 2ax           t= time

>Initial velocity and final velocity are both measured in meters per second (m/s)
>Acceleration is measured in meters per seconds squared (m/s^2)
>Time is measured in seconds. (s)
>Distance is measured in meters (m)


Sample Problem 1
A car accelerates from 25 m/s to 40 m/s in 9 seconds. Solve for the acceleration.


V=Vo + at
40 m/s = 25 m/s + (9 s)a
15 m/s = (9 s) a
a = 1.67 m/s^2

Sample Problem 2
Vin Diesel's car in The Fast and the Furious uses nitrous oxide tanks to boost his acceleration. Vin starts out from rest. If the nitrous allows him to accelerate at 20 m/s, how long would it take him to reach his final speed of 95 m/s?


V=Vo + at
95 m/s = 0 m/s + (20 m/s^2) t
95 m/s = (20 m/s^2) t
t = 4.75 seconds

Sample Problem 3
A tractor trailer travels 300 meters in 35 seconds, starting from rest. Solve for the final velocity.


x= 1/2 (V + Vo) t
300 m = 1/2(0m/s + V) (35 s)
300 m = 1/2 (V)(35 s)
300 m = 17.5 V
V = 17.14 m/s

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