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    Using and understaiding forces is the basis for all things related to moving objects. From this page you will learn about these 4 basic forces. This is used all over the world more notablyin elevator technology, as well as in rocket technology.  Force is measured in Newtons of force.

Ex: 1 Elevator- The elevator’s Force Weight- Fw- 500kg x 9.8m/s^2 = 4900N
Force Tension 5200N- FtForce Weight  4900N- Fw
  Net Force ~Fnet < Put Greatest Force First >
   Ft – Fw     5200N– 4900N = 300N
                 Using Newton’s Force Equation (F=ma)            300N/500kg = a  a= .6m/s^2
                  The elevator moves up because the force tension is greater than force weight

Ex: 2 Weight on an incline

 The friction Coef. Can range from 0(smooth) to 1(rough)
                   M=.3 Force Friction-Ff
Force Normal-Fn= cos(40)x Fw = 189N
Force Applied-Fa = sin(40)x Fw
Force Weight-Fw 30kg x 9.8m/s^2 = 294N

Force Friction = The Friction Coefficient x ForceNormal  .3 x 189N = 56.7N
                                   Fa- Ff = Net force

   In problems to solve for the force of a system do as in Example 2 for each side and subtract from each other and that is the net force. The direction of the system goes toward the side with greater force.  These problems rleate to basic pully sysmems where the applacations are ulimited

                                    Static Equilibrium
                      Solve the two equations Simultaneously
         F1cos(Ø) – F2 cos(Ø) =  0 - Ft sin(Ø) + Ft sin(Ø)= Fw



Clickhere for a site an Forces
Click here for a site on the First and Second kinematic equations
Click here for a site on Acceleration and Velocity
Click here for a site on Resistors

Click here for a page about electricity and cost.