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Title of Your Page I Was Loved By You

Jacqueline’s Junque

What is it YOU believe in?
It is the very things you believe in,
that will provide the foundation for
the type of life you live. What you
believe about yourself, others, and
the world around you, will affect every
decision you make, every relationship
you have. Take the time to question
yourself and your beliefs often. You
might find some things you took to be
truths are indeed falsehoods, and it
just may be time to change your mind.
If you can believe it, with all your
heart, you can make it so. Hold fast to
the good things you believe in. For whatever
you truly believe, is the truth to you, and
no one can take it from you.

Once you make a decision,
the universe conspires to make it happen.
~Ralph Waldo Everson~

I believe in the sun
even when the sun is not shining.
I believe in love
even when I feel it not.
I believe in God
even when He is silent.

You are never given a wish
without being given the power
to make it come true.
~Ayelet Ronen~

"Live your beliefs and you can turn
the world around."
~Henry David Thoreau~

The depthe of your belief and the strength
of your conviction determines the power
of your personality."
~Brian Tracy~

"It is belief in a power larger than
myself and other than myself which allows
me to venture into the unknown and even
the unknowable."
~Maya Angelou~

"The enviorment you fasion our of your
thoughts, your beliefs, your ideals, your
philosophy is the only climate you will
ever live in. The key is in not spending
time, but in investing it."
~Stephen R. Covey~

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