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Title of Your Page I Was Loved By You

Jacqueline’s Junque


It takes so little to provide needed
encouragement to someone. And yet..
just the right words at the right moment
can change the way a person feels about
themselves. Take a little time each day
to be a positive influence on someone else.
Share a smile, a word of hope. It will
cost you nothing and yet will go a long
way to enriching the world around you.

Do it trembling if you must,
but do it !

The past cannot be changed,
the future us still in your power.
~Hugh White~

If I can throw a single ray of light
If I can throw a single ray of light
across the darkened pathway of another;
If I can aid some soul to clearer sight
of life and duty,and thus bless my brother;
If I can wipe from any human cheek a tear,
I shall not have lived my life
in vain while here.

Too often we underestimate the power
of a touch, a smile,
a kind word, a listening ear,
an honest compliment, or the smallest
act of caring, all of which have
the potential to turn a life around.

No one is useless in the world
who lightens the burden of it
for anyone else.
~Charles Dickens~

There are no hopeless situations in life...
only men who have grown hopeless about them.
~A Barclay Comment~

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