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Title of Your Page I Was Loved By You

Jacqueline’s Junque

In those times when we feel all alone,
as if no one cares or truly understands,
it is our deep abiding faith, which can
help us make it through the dark times.
Remember... when the light shines through
once again, to be thankful for your faith.
Build upon it by looking back over the times
in your life when faith was all you had to
go on... see how far it took you. Then know
it will be there again when you need it most!
Faith is remembering...
I am God's priceless treasure,
when I feel utterly worthless!

Now faith is being sure
of what we hope for and
certain of that we do now see.
Hebrews 11:1

"Here I am, Lord.... body, heart and soul.
Grant that with Your love,
I may be big enough to reach the world,
And small enough to be at one with You!"

The voice of the world
will drown out the voice of God,
your inner self, your intuitive self
listen to what you feel
Listen to the deepest part of yourself.

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