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Title of Your Page I Was Loved By You

Jacqueline’s Junque

Happiness is something so many people seek,
and yet never seem to find. Real happiness
comes from within. From being happy with
one's self and what one has in this life.
There is no wealth of money, no amount of
fame, no number of friends, no material
possesion that can bring a person happiness.
There are those with everything who will
never be happy. And yet.. there are those
who seem to have nothing but are full of joy.
Learn to know and love yourself, gain inner
peace and satisfaction with the person you
are, live life to it's fullest... and you
will find great felicity.

The true secret of happiness lies in the
taking a genuine interest in all
the details of daily life.
~William Morris~

One cannot know happiness
without also knowing sadness
~Chinese Proverb~

Often people attempt to live their lives backwards:
They try to HAVE more things or more money,
in order to DO more of what they want,
so they will BE happier.
The way it actually works is the reverse.
You must first BE who you really are,
then DO what you need to do,
in order to HAVE what you want.
~Margaret Young~

Happiness is a perfume
you cannot pour on others
without getting a few drops on yourself.
~George Bernard Shaw~

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