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Title of Your Page I Was Loved By You

Jacqueline’s Junque

True wealth is not about what you have,
but the things you have for which
you would not take money.
Such things are priceless treasues!

It is the experience of living
that is important, not searching
for meaning. We bring meaning
by how we love the world.
~ Bernie S. Siegel, M.D.~

The key to unlocking the treasures
in the art of living,the secret of
adding new dimensions to your life,
is simply this: Hold an adventurous
mental attitude. When you look at
even the humdrum with an adventurous attitude,
you infuse things with the brilliant
light of newness. The dull becomes bright.
The darkness is lighted up. You cannot
become bored when you approach
everything as an adventure!
~ Wilferd A. Peterson~

The motto of chivalry
is also the motto of wisdom;
to serve all, but love only one."

A beautiful woman appeals to the eye;
a good woman appeals to the heart.
One is a jewel, the other a treasure.

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