Southern Maryland Bands
& Artists MP3s
So, I guess your probably wondering what that band sounds like?
Well, you have come to right place to find out first hand just what the Southern
Maryland music has to offer, atleast a small sample of it!
Be sure to visit the bands, or artists website
for more samples of their music!
Want to have your bands MP3s listed on this page?
Simply send the name of the band/artist, the album title,
and song title(s), with a valid link to the mp3 file via email to: *Use the subject line: smmomp3 add
Current file extensions used by these bands/artists:
.mp3, .m3u, .wma, .ram
Be sure you have current player software!
Current Local Artist Sample Song
Artist: Austin Cody
Song: Cross My Heart
Album: Destination You
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The music on this page is offered for evaluation purposes ONLY! through submittion of material by legal copyright owner. Please show your support for the artists who gave us this great music by buying their cd's. Some of the material may include obscene language, and terminology directed toward violence. Parental advisory requested. All songs provided on this page are legally copyrighted by their repesctive owners. does not store any of the musical file contents on its servers.