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Southern Maryland Music Online

"SMMO Critic Review Service"
offers a professional critics review of bands or artists new material, whether it be CD or Cassette demos, even video productions. If you have mastered or pre-mastered material and you would like to recieve an honest, professional opinion on your compositions and want to get a press review for your band, Southern Maryland Music Online can provide that service for you.

SMMO Critics Review Service Requirements:

1)Include a copy of CD, Cassette, or Video
Material to be reviewed by "SMMO"

2)Include a note stating any specific areas of
interest(lyrics, harmonies, instrumentals, etc.)you
would like "SMMO" to pay special attention to.

3)Include a Check or Money Order for
$20.00 per article of material submitted

4) Include additional $5.00 if you wish to have
your submitted material(s) returned to you.

What You Get From SMMO
What you can expect to recieve from your "SMMO"
Critic Review Service, is a complete text review
of not less than 200 words covering the overall
details of the entire submitted material(s).
Plus free review submittion on the SMMO Reviews Page.

Privacy Statement:
"SMMO" will not post, submit, or reproduce under
any circumstance the reviews of the submitted
material(s) without the written permission of
the person(s) submitting the materials.

Submit Your Material(s) And Payment
For Review To:

Critic Review Service
c/o SMMO
PO Box
Indian Head, Maryland 20640

free review offer - if you can read this then you have just won the opportunity to get your material reviewed for FREE! Email SMMO and tell us that you found the secret message and we'll review your material at no-charge! It pays to read the fine print! LOL