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undefined "Southern Maryland Music Online"®
Updated: November 19, 2003
Mail Privacy Policy

"Southern Maryland Music Online has created this mail address privacy policy to demonstrate its firm commitment to your privacy and the protection of your personal information.

Why did you receive an email from "SMMO"?:
If you received a mailing from us:

(A)- Your mail address is either listed with "SMMO" as someone who has expressly shared this address for the purpose of receiving information in the future ("opt-in"),


(B)- You have registered or purchased or otherwise have an existing relationship with "SMMO". "SMMO" respects your time and attention by controlling the frequency of its mailings. You should not recieve any mailings or notices more than 3 times per month, unless, there is a special notice or specific information to be announced by "Southern Maryland Music Online".

How "SMMO" protects your privacy:
"SMMO" uses consistantly updated encryption security measures to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of data used by its system.

Sharing and Usage:
"SMMO" will never share, sell, or rent individual personal information with anyone without your advance permission or unless ordered by a court of law. Information submitted to "SMMO" is only available to employees managing this information for purposes of contacting you or sending you emails or printed materials based on your request for information and to contracted service providers for purposes of providing services relating to communications between you and "Southern Maryland Music Online".

How can you stop receiving mail from "SMMO"?:
Each email sent contains an easy, automated way for you to cease receiving email from "SMMO", or to change your expressed interests. If you wish to do this, simply follow the instructions at the end of any mailing.

Mail Abuse:
If you have received unwanted, unsolicited mail sent via this system or purportrating to be sent via this system, please forward a copy of that email with your comments to With the subject line:"SMMO Mail Abuse" for review.

At no time shall you receive any form of "mass" mailing(s) from Southern Maryland Music Online,, or any of it's employees, representatives, or other person(s) who have the right(s) to distribute email from the email account regarding, but not limited to, artist or group performance dates, appearences, or special events that would be considered advertisement for, or promotion for, any single artist or music group.

Southern Maryland Music Online reserves the right to, shall, and will deny any/all "mass" mailing requests for such services pertaining to the email account that would be directed toward the mailing list database.

Privacy Policy Updated:
This policy was updated on February 24, 2004.
