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Southern Maryland Music Online
Get It In Writing !
( Music Contracts & Agreements )

Have you ever heard the statement,"Get It In Writing" ?

Well, if your in the in the music business, regardless of what area, whether or not you're a musician, band member, independent recording artist, or a studio session player, you have to remember the most important part of what you do is considered a true business venture and there are important details that noone should ever overlook in the music industry and the many fine print related details of the business.

If your a serious musician, but, at the same time you are musician for the fun and love of music, you still need to remember the most important aspect of a serious musician,
"Cover Your Ass" !
This is a blunt, but, a very true statement that often gets overlooked by musicians and performers from all walks of life and musical styles. The musician thinks that "oh, I'm just doing this for the fun and love of the music and noone would ever try to take advantage of me" If you really think this statement is infact the truth as gospel, you are sadly mistaken. There are so many musicians and performers in the world that get "taken" by someone in the music business everyday simply because that performer or musician has decided that they have no need for the "black and white" details associated with the music industry.

If you're as smart a musician as you think you are, then you should know what you need to do in order to protect yourself from the dark side of the business and have what it takes to ,"Get It In Writing".

"SMMO" is very familiar with all aspects of the music business and familiar with the contracts and agreements used for particular dealings in the industry. "SMMO" has compiled and has available all the important and most widely used contracts and agreements.

Below is an updated list of industry standard contracts and agreements that "SMMO" has to offer, with more documents being added weekly, so that "SMMO" can offer as much coverage as possible to secure your musical career needs regarding the contracts and agreements aspect of the industry.

"SMMO" industry-standard contracts and agreements
are offered to you at the low price of only

$4.00 Per Title !

click the link below for free sample contracts
that are ready you to print and use...RIGHT NOW!


"SMMO" wants to help "YOU", its friend and collegue in the music industry. "SMMO" makes every effort to do its best to provide protecting contract and agreement documents to make your musical industry transactions secure for your future as a musician, performer and songwriter.

"Why is the cost so much lower than everybody else ?

"SMMO" is able to offer these documents at a low cost to you, simply because you are only charged for the printing cost and shipping charges for the document. "SMMO" is sure that you are aware of what "legal website", on-line music lawyers", and "music-law" services operating on the internet are charging for similar contracts and agreements, their prices are related to the term "Shafting". "SMMO" is here to help you protect your musical interests as friend, not another business trasaction, however, "SMMO" cannot offer these documents free-of-charge due to the ever growing price of personal printing costs.

What's the catch for the low price ?
Well, Ummm...There Is'nt One !

Below is an ever-growing, updated list of the
industry-standard contracts and agreements that
"SMMO" has to offer.

"Individual Documents" - $4.00/title.

Artwork Agreement - Artist Redering
Commercial Music Agreement - TV/Radio
Composition And Name Limitations Agreement
Composition Limitations Agreement
Consignment Agreement - Musical Group Merchandise
Consignment Sales Payment Form
DJ Co-Advertisement Agreement
Fair Use Permission Agreement - Musical And Lyrical Compositions
Group Membership Agreement - Internal
Guest Musician/Artist Agreement
Independent Label License Agreement
Internal Group Equipment Agreement
Internal Group Income Priority Agreement
Internal Income Percentage Distribution Agreement
Internal Merchandise Sales And Income Account Agreement
Musical Recording Master Use License Agreement - Film
Musician Work For Hire Agreement
Name Limitations Agreement
Performance Agreement Contract - Long Form
Performance Agreement Contract - Non-Profit
Performance Agreement Contract - Short Form
Prohibited Outside Use Of Compositions Agreement
Radio Broadcast And Recording Agreement
Radio Performance Broadcast Release
Transfer Of Copyright Purchase Agreement
Assignment Of Copyright Agreement
Artist / Group Recording Contract
Confidentialty Agreement
Contract Agreement For Commission Of Original Music
Contract Agreement For And Indemnification Agreement
Distribution Agreement - Master Recording
Exclusive Songwriter Agreement
Festival Entertainment Performance Agreement Contract
Joint Venture Agreement
License Agreement - Software
License For Master Recording 1
License For Master Recording 2
Letter Of Agreement - Speculative Production
Mechanical License - Recording 1
Mechanical License - Recording 2
Master License Agreement
Model Release Agreement 1 (18 yrs.+ adult)
Model Release Agreement 2 (18yrs. - minor)
Non-Disclosure Agreement - Reciprocal
Non-Disclosure And Non-Circumvention Agreement
Publishing Agreement - Single Song
Public Access - Video Release
Sponsorship Agreement - Artist / Group
Single Song Option(additional to Publishing Agreement - Single Song)
Work For Hire Agreement - Photography
Artist / Group - Management Agreement 1
Sub-Publishing Agreement 1
Sub-Publishing Agreement 2 - Foreign Agency
Artist / Group Management - Letter Of Agreement
Artist / Group Sponsorship Agreement - Tour
Artist Publicity Agreement
Foreign Agency Agreement - Artist / Group
Feature Film Offer - Musical Composition
Film Synchronization Agreement - Musical Composition
Investor Suitability - Artist / Group
Letter Of Agreement - Producer Lien On Master Recording
Memorandem - Investor Relations
Performance Agreement Contract - Agency
Royalty Provisions Of Producer Agreement - Attachment A
Royalty Sharing Agreement - Publisher
Sound Contracting Agreement
Software Distribution Agreement - Musical Composition
Software Source Code Escrow Agreement
Vanity Production / Distribution / Promotion Agreement Artist Letter Of Agreement
Composer Agreement - Multimedia Project / Video Game
Composer Agreement - Non-Package Deal
Composer Agreement - Package Deal
Composer Deal - Memo
Exclusive Artist Agreement
Exclusive Audio License Agreement
Exclusive Video Agreement
Personal Appearence Agreement - Artist / Group
Publishing Participation Agreement
Special Project Agreement - Artist / Group
Song Writers Agreement
Equipment Rental Agreement - Music / Pro Audio
Band For Hire Agreement -(not a venue booking contract)
Reproduction / Duplication Release Agreement

More indivual documents added weekly!

Package Contracts & Agreements"

"The Band Package" - $30.00/pkg.
Consists of the following internal band/group documents:

Composition And Name Limitations Agreement
Composition Limitations Agreement
Name Limitations Agreement
Internal Group Equipment Agreement
Internal Group Income Priority Agreement
Internal Income Percentage Distribution Agreement
Internal Merchandise Sales And Income Account Agreement
Group Membership Agreement - Internal


"The Booking Package" - $20.00/pkg.
Consists of the following performance booking documents:

Performance Agreement Contract - Long Form
Performance Agreement Contract - Non-Profit
Performance Agreement Contract - Short Form
Performance Agreement Contract - Agency
Festival Entertainment Performance Agreement Contract

To purchase individual contracts and agreements:
Contact "SMMO" via email for purchasing instructions
, pay to name, and address to forward payment at:

Please supply the following information:
1) Title of document and/or package
2) # of copies desired
3) Your full name and complete mailing address
4) Your phone number and email address
*Please use the subject line: "SMMO" Music Law.

Payment methods currently accepted:
a)Money Order: Immediate shipping upon payment
b)Personal Check: allow 3-5 days for clearence

Tips for Selecting an Entertainment Attorney:
By: Peter Spellman - Music Business Solutions

Sooner or later you will need legal counsel as a musician, songwriter, label owner or industry careerist and it's important to know how to select the best counsel for your needs. To help you with the screening process: Here are a few tips

"SMMO" Contract & Agreement Disclaimer

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